Re: Make etcupdate bootstrap requirement due to previous mergemaster usage more clear in handbook

From: Stefan Esser <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 17:48:42 UTC
Am 08.12.21 um 18:11 schrieb John Baldwin:
> So the new changes always build a temporary tree (vs trying to build
> /var/db/etupdate/current in place).  For -n it should be that it just
> doesn't change /var/db/etcupdate/current at the end, but if it did the
> move anyway that would explain the bug you are seeing.  That does indeed
> look broken.  Please file a PR as a reminder for me to fix it.

If you work on this then please have a look at PR 247519, too:

This problem lead to my complete customized /etc getting lost when I
invoked etcupdate with WITH_DIRDEPS_BUILD defined in /etc/src-env.conf.

But I can imagine other reasons that let the make commands in build_tree()
fail without error exit, leading to an empty etcupdate/current tree and
subsequent deletion of files in /etc.

Regards, STefan