Re: free ARM VPS

From: Quelrond <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 14:00:06 UTC

I've just open a FreeBSD bug to track the problem:


On 12/01/2024 17:09, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2024, at 22:35, Joseph Holsten wrote:
>> Well, that’s no good. I just checked and I cannot see it either.
>> I am able to use the image using the id:
>> ocid1.image.oc1..aaaaaaaayjatgvecms7kciqjx5exbj4dpcs3ympvpggpodwlfuezn7dejdja
>> Dave: have you heard anything from the marketplace folks? It feels like
>> we’ve gone the wrong direction. Did they let you know the 13.1 image
>> would be removed?
>> --
>> Joseph Holsten
>> tel:+1-360-927-7234
>> On Thu, Jan 11, 2024, at 13:22, Quelrond wrote:
>>> Hello Joseph,
>>> I could install an Ubuntu, but it really bothers me, so I would like to
>>> switch to FreeBSD. But I don't see FreeBSD images in the "Marketplace"!
>>> There are many images in "Partner images", but no FreeBSD there. And in
>>> "Community images" there is almost nothing (only two Linux images).
>>> Could you, please, provide me the detailed instructions how to find the
>>> images? Or maybe it is region-dependent (I'm in France)?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Peter
>>> On 11/01/2024 21:24, Joseph Holsten wrote:
>>>> There is a FreeBSD image in the “Marketplace”. There was a mixup last fall and 14 isn’t up yet, but some foundation folks are actively working on it. If you use the official one, it’s just a quick freebsd-update to get you there.
> Hey Joseph, Peter,
> No, I was not expecting it to be removed. This is very likely related to
> renewing our FreeBSD-Oracle partner agreement, which we had a meeting
> about yesterday.
> I suspect some button was pushed that should not have been pushed....
> As I need it for work I will ofc follow it up with Oracle too :-)
> I will follow up with Ed Maste & see where we get to on our FreeBSD side.
> Peter - if you can, please open a PR on for visibility
> and I'll follow along from there.
> If you are willing, you can upload a custom image and use that, or
> you can wait a few days and I'm sure we will have it fixed soon.
> A+
> Dave
> ———
> O for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention!