Re: Nanobsd for RPI4

From: Guido Falsi <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 11:49:22 UTC
On 16/01/24 11:34, Andrew Hankinson wrote:
>> On 16 Jan 2024, at 10:46, Guido Falsi <> wrote:
>> On 16/01/24 10:30, Andrew Hankinson wrote:
>>>> On 16 Jan 2024, at 10:03, Guido Falsi <> wrote:
>>>> On 16/01/24 09:52, Andrew Hankinson wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I saw a recent posting to this list about nanobsd for RPI3:
>>>>> Re: Nanobsd builds for rpi3 out of embedded blow up during build <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> favicon.ico <>
>>>>> <https://lists.freebsdorg/archives/freebsd-arm/2024-January/003509.html>
>>>>> I just wanted to chime in to say I am seeing the exact same thing for a RPI4 build with both 14.0 release and 15.0 current. I asked about it on the forums, but there didn’t seem to be any solution.
>>>>> Has anyone here managed to get a nanobsd build working?
>>>> I am using nanobsd with RPi3. Never tried RPi4. I did some customization to the nanobsd scripts and configuration to get it working though.
>>>> Last time I rebuilt my image was in mid december. I'm going to build a new image in the next pair of weeks.
>>>> Is the problem limited to the boot code?
>>> I haven't been able to get past the boot code bit, but up until this point it works OK. I've simply copied the RPI3.cfg file and changed a few variables.
>>> My build stops with the following logs:
>>> # cat /usr/embedded/rpi4/_.cust.dos_boot_part
>>> + dos_boot_part
>>> + local 'd=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi4'
>>> + local 'f=/usr/embedded/rpi4/_.fat'
>>> + rm -rf /usr/embedded/rpi4/_.fat
>>> + mkdir /usr/embedded/rpi4/_.fat
>>> + chdir /usr/embedded/rpi4/_.fat
>>> + cp /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi4/README /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi4/metadata /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi4/u-boot.bin .
>>> + touch uEnv.txt
>>> + cp '/usr/embedded/rpi4/_.w/boot/dtb/*.dtb' .
>>> cp: /usr/embedded/rpi4/_.w/boot/dtb/*.dtb: No such file or directory
>>> This seems to be a problem with the dos_boot_part() function in /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd/embedded/common.
>>> Your code seems to bypass this and uses the rpi-firmware package dtbo files.
>> I was seeing problems simlar to what you are describing, so I wrote my own function.
>>> So I guess my questions are:
>>> 1. What changed that the .dtb files are no longer created in the regular build?
>>> 2. Should the dos_boot_part() function be changed to take the files from the rpi-firmware pkg instead?
>>> Not being familiar with the nanobsd building process, I'm not really sure what is the best way to go.
>> I wrote this code some time ago and I don't remember the details, anyway my code does take the files from the pkg.
>> I took idea from the release scripts for aarch64 from:
>> src/release/
>> src/release/arm64/aarch64.conf
>> src/release/tools/arm.subr
>> which have more current code.
> Would you be willing to share your full nanobsd config file? Or is that the only custom part you needed to get it working?

I have some more custom parts, but most are unrelated to RPi3.

Actually mine is a configuration I used with a PCEngine APU2 board, I 
converted to RPi3.

The only other relevant configuration is this part:

calculate_partitioning ( ) (

create_code_slice ( ) (
     pprint 2 "build code slice"
     pprint 3 "log: ${NANO_OBJ}/_.cs"

     mkdir -p ${MNT}

     if [ "${NANO_MD_BACKING}" = "swap" ] ; then
         MD=`mdconfig -a -t swap -s ${CODE_SIZE} -x ${NANO_SECTS} \
             -y ${NANO_HEADS}`
         echo "Creating md backing file..."
         rm -f ${IMG}
         dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG} seek=${CODE_SIZE} count=0
         MD=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${IMG} -x ${NANO_SECTS} \
             -y ${NANO_HEADS}`

     trap "echo 'Running exit trap code' ; df -i ${MNT} ; umount ${MNT} 
|| true ; mdconfig -d -u $MD" 1 2 15 EXIT

     gpart create -s bsd ${MD}
     gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 64k -b 64k ${MD}
     #gpart bootcode -b ${NANO_WORLDDIR}/boot/boot ${MD}

     # Create first image
     populate_slice /dev/${MD}${NANO_PARTITION_ROOT} ${NANO_WORLDDIR} 
     mount /dev/${MD}${NANO_PARTITION_ROOT} ${MNT}
     echo "Generating mtree..."
     ( cd ${MNT} && mtree -c ) > ${NANO_OBJ}/_.mtree
     ( cd ${MNT} && du -k ) > ${NANO_OBJ}/_.du
     nano_umount ${MNT}

     if [ "${NANO_MD_BACKING}" = "swap" ] ; then
         echo "Writing out _.disk.image..."
         dd conv=sparse if=/dev/${MD} of=${NANO_DISKIMGDIR}/_.disk.image 
     mdconfig -d -u $MD

     trap - 1 2 15 EXIT

     ) > ${NANO_OBJ}/_.cs 2>&1

# Custom disk image command, from common embedded image
create_diskimage ( ) (
     pprint 2 "build diskimage"
     pprint 3 "log: ${NANO_LOG}/_.di"


     mkdir -p ${MNT}

     if [ "${NANO_MD_BACKING}" = "swap" ] ; then
         MD=`mdconfig -a -t swap -s ${NANO_MEDIASIZE} -x ${NANO_SECTS} \
             -y ${NANO_HEADS}`
         echo "Creating md backing file..."
         rm -f ${IMG}
         dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG} seek=${NANO_MEDIASIZE} count=0
         MD=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${IMG} -x ${NANO_SECTS} \
             -y ${NANO_HEADS}`

     trap "echo 'Running exit trap code' ; df -i ${MNT} ; nano_umount 
${MNT} || true ; mdconfig -d -u $MD" 1 2 15 EXIT

     gpart create -s MBR ${MD}
     gpart add -t '!12' -a 512k -s ${NANO_SLICE_EFI_SIZE} ${MD}
     gpart set -a active -i 1 ${MD}
     newfs_msdos -L efi -F 16 /dev/${MD}${NANO_SLICE_EFI}
     gpart add -t freebsd -s ${NANO_SLICE_CFG_SIZE} ${MD}
     gpart add -t freebsd -s ${NANO_SLICE_CODE_SIZE} ${MD}
     gpart add -t freebsd -s ${NANO_SLICE_CODE_SIZE} ${MD}

     mount_msdosfs /dev/${MD}${NANO_SLICE_EFI} ${MNT}
     populate_boot_part ${MNT}
     umount ${MNT}

     echo "Writing code image..."
     dd conv=sparse if=${NANO_DISKIMGDIR}/_.disk.image 
of=/dev/${MD}${NANO_SLICE_ROOT} bs=64k

     # Create Config slice
     populate_cfg_slice /dev/${MD}${NANO_SLICE_CFG} "${NANO_CFGDIR}" 

     if [ "${NANO_MD_BACKING}" = "swap" ] ; then
         if [ ${NANO_IMAGE_MBRONLY} ]; then
             echo "Writing out _.disk.mbr..."
             dd if=/dev/${MD} of=${NANO_DISKIMGDIR}/_.disk.mbr bs=512 
             echo "Writing out ${NANO_IMGNAME}..."
             dd if=/dev/${MD} of=${IMG} bs=64k

         echo "Writing out ${NANO_IMGNAME}..."
         dd conv=sparse if=/dev/${MD} of=${IMG} bs=64k

     mdconfig -d -u ${MD}

     trap - 1 2 15 EXIT

     ) > ${NANO_LOG}/_.di 2>&1

>> -- 
>> Guido Falsi <>

Guido Falsi <>