Nanobsd builds for rpi3 out of embedded blow up during build

From: Karl Denninger <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 01:30:00 UTC
Is this supposed to work?

root@NewFS:/usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd/embedded # sh ../ -b 
-c rpi3.cfg

It doesn't.  I do have:

root@NewFS:/usr/ports # pkg info|grep rpi3
u-boot-rpi3-2023.10_1          Cross-build das u-boot for model rpi3

Which ought to be current.

I get errors missing ubldr (which from my Crochet builds does not appear 
to be required) and also the dtb files are either somewhere other than 
expected because the firmware package is there, but I get this when 
commenting out the ubldr copy:

root@NewFS:/usr/embedded/rpi3 # tail _.cust.dos_boot_part
+ local 'd=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi3'
+ local 'f=/usr/embedded/rpi3/_.fat'
+ rm -rf /usr/embedded/rpi3/_.fat
+ mkdir /usr/embedded/rpi3/_.fat
+ chdir /usr/embedded/rpi3/_.fat
+ cp /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi3/README 
/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi3/u-boot.bin.broken .
+ [ -f /usr/embedded/rpi3/_.w/boot/ubldr ]
+ touch uEnv.txt
+ cp '/usr/embedded/rpi3/_.w/boot/dtb/*.dtb' .
cp: /usr/embedded/rpi3/_.w/boot/dtb/*.dtb: No such file or directory

Which of course implies they're not in the world's "boot" directory, and 
indeed they're not.

I can keep working around this but I assuming I'm missing something 
obvious..... or is this just broken/deprecated?

Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker/
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