Re: 32-bit executables on aarch64?

From: Thomas David Rivers <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 18:43:32 UTC
Thanks John!

 I've not messed around with all of this in some time...

 Everything has _really_ changed.

 Does anyone have a pointer to how to run QEMU for Armv7 and
 install the Tier 2  armv7 image?

 I found:

 which seems to have the install image... but I can't find any
 instructions on how to do an install...  

 If someone has fired-up QEMU for this and happens to have the
 list-of-what-to-do, it would be terrific... otherwise I'll start
 stumbling through to see what I can figure out.

	- Thanks! -
	- Dave R. -

> I had to set up a jail to test 32 bit ARM on a 64 bit host.  If you get past the link error, expect the program to fail at startup.
> $ file /bin/ls /usr/jail/armv7/bin/ls
> /bin/ls:                ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/, for FreeBSD 13.2 (1302505), FreeBSD-style, stripped
> /usr/jail/armv7/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/, FreeBSD-style, for FreeBSD 13.2 (1302500), stripped
> $ /usr/jail/armv7/bin/ls
> ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found, error 8
> Abort trap
> "Not found" means "is not a 32 bit executable."  Because both 32 and 64 bit progams use the same intepreter pathname they can't both work.

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