Named reporting port in use on 12.4-STABLE r372838 GENERIC arm

From: bob prohaska <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2023 05:18:49 UTC
After an upgrade to 12.4-STABLE r372838 GENERIC arm on a Pi2 (armv7)
BIND 9.16.1 (Stable Release) <id:d497c32>  fails on start with
Jan  4 20:41:25 ns1 named[973]: creating TCP socket: address in use
Jan  4 20:41:25 ns1 syslogd: last message repeated 2 times
Jan  4 20:41:25 ns1 named[973]: unable to listen on any configured interfaces
Jan  4 20:41:25 ns1 named[973]: loading configuration: failure
Jan  4 20:41:25 ns1 named[973]: exiting (due to fatal error)

Apart from the OS upgrade nothing was changed and it had been
working flawlessly for about six months. Re-using the old kernel
didn't fix it, has something in userland changed? A slave machine
updated yesterday without trouble so I thought it was safe to 
update the master.

Thanks for reading, any hints appreciated!

bob prohaska