Re: FreeBSD13.0 on Pine ROCK64

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 04:12:54 UTC
On 2021-Dec-27 22:40:06 -0500, petru garstea <> wrote:
>I burned on emmc drive a FBSD13 version for pine rock64 SOC however the 
>system doesn't boot.

Can you share the output from the serial console?  The usual configuration
would be to boot from a MicroSD card and it's possible that U-Boot isn't
automatically failing over to the eMMC card.

The serial console is 1500000 bps 8N1 at 3.3V.  The pinouts are e.g.

>=>     40  6291376  da0  GPT  (29G) [CORRUPT]

This is normal - it just means that the backup GPT labels aren't in
the last physical sector.

Peter Jeremy