Re: High Contrast Installer

From: Trenton Schulz <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:22:50 UTC
On Wed, 2023-04-26 at 20:44 +0000, Pau Amma wrote:
> On 2023-04-22 14:07, Alfonso Sabato Siciliano wrote:
> > The wiki page "Base system accessibility wishlist" [0] has "Check
> > the
> > installer text and background colors provide enough contrast
> > (including 
> > as
> > shades of grey) and or offer options to change them.".
> > 
> > bsddialog provides already a black and white theme.
> > Default theme:
> > $ bsddialog --yesno "Default Theme" 0 0
> > Black and White theme:
> > $ bsddialog --theme blackwhite --yesno "Black and White Theme" 0 0
> A useful resource for contrast requirements is 
> (Its focus is on webpages, but
> it 
> stands to reason that the minimum requirements and the example
> contrasts 
> are applicable to all uses of text.) To check what contrast a color
> pair 
> (foreground/background) gives users, 
> is an option. (I just 
> added these two to

I'll second. Pau's reference is very good for checking color contrast
(I use webaim's contrast checker often since it is so readily
available). Often a "quick and dirty" check can be to "print" the
screen in grayscale and see how easy it is to read.

I have no idea how much fidelity one gets in picking colors for
terminal applications, but it's probably a good idea to have the
default theme pass at least the AA contrast (4.5:1 or better) and have
the black and white theme as a high-contrast option (since that will
give you the maximum ratio og 21:1).

I might have some time this weekend to do a quick look through
bsddialog and test things out...

Best regards,
