Re: git: 2a58b312b62f - main - zfs: merge openzfs/zfs@431083f75

From: Florian Smeets <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2023 16:07:34 UTC
On 15.04.23 17:51, FreeBSD User wrote:
> Am Sat, 15 Apr 2023 07:36:25 -0700
> Cy Schubert <> schrieb:
>> With an up-to-date tree + pjd@'s "Fix data corruption when cloning embedded
>> blocks. #14739" patch I didn't have any issues, except for email messages
>> with corruption in my sent directory, nowhere else. I'm still investigating
>> the email messages issue. IMO one is generally safe to run poudriere on the
>> latest ZFS with the additional patch.

This is also my current observation. I have 2 hosts where I was 
unfortunate enough to update at the wrong time. I currently *think* that 
I'm *not* seeing data corruption with head from April 12th and this 

One pool has been upgraded with feature@block_cloning and the other hasn't.
> FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #8 main-n262175-5ee1c90e50ce: Sat Apr 15 07:57:16 CEST 2023 amd64
> The box is crashing while trying to update ports with the well known issue:
> Panic String: VERIFY(!zil_replaying(zilog, tx)) failed
On the pool that has block_cloning enabled I see the above insta panic 
when poudriere starts building. I found a workaround though:

--- /usr/local/share/poudriere/include/	2023-04-15 
18:03:50.090823000 +0200
+++ /usr/local/share/poudriere/include/	2023-04-15 
18:04:04.144736000 +0200
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@

  		zfs clone -o mountpoint=${mnt} \
-			-o sync=disabled \
  			-o atime=off \
  			-o compression=off \
  			${fs}@${snap} \

With this workaround I was able to build thousands of packages without 
panics or failures due to data corruption.
