Re: git: 0b1adc42a15c - main - rc.sendmail: remove unused script

From: Matteo Riondato <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 14:01:06 UTC
On 2022-11-09 at 14:29 EST, Baptiste Daroussin <> wrote:
>Le 9 novembre 2022 18:49:47 GMT+01:00, Matteo Riondato 
><> a écrit :
>>The one lingering issue I see is that there is now no documentation 
>>for the rc.conf sendmail_* variables: they were documented in 
>>rc.sendmail.8 and rc.conf.5 referred to it, but your previous commit 
>>6a2d6a569b1350f46998a2446fc89059b160fd13 removed that reference from 
>>rc.conf.8, and this commit removes rc.sendmail.8.
>>(Sorry for the noise if you're already working on it).
>I prefer too much noise than something forgotten in silence and 
>actually this is no noise
>Such documentation is supposed to be in  rc.conf(5). It would probably 
>be a good idea to push the documentation there.
>If someone is interested be my guest, otherwise I will look into it in 
>the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for taking care of this one so quickly.

A few rough corners I still see:

1) sendmail_cert_create should perhaps be set to NO in rc.conf, or the 
call to sendmail_cert_create() in rc.d/sendmail should also depend on 
some form of sendmail being enabled. The former action seems easier.

2) the role of rc.d/othermta is quite bizarre, especially now that it 
checks for a non-existing script (/etc/rc.sendmail). I wonder whether it 
should be retired, together with the rc.conf variable mta_start_script 
(which now is set to a non-existing script). It feels like a relic from 
a long gone past.

3) the comments on some of the sendmail_* variables in rc.conf mention a 
generic "MTA", but perhaps they should say "sendmail", as that's not the 
one-and-only MTA.
