Re: git: 1dfcff294e44 - main - release: increase IMAGE_SIZE for arm, arm64, riscv
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 00:41:55 UTC
FYI for the new snapshot build of 13.1-STABLE: # mdconfig -u0 -f FreeBSD-13.1-STABLE-arm64-aarch64-RPI-20220715-831c6b8edda-251792.img # gpart show md0 => 63 10485697 md0 MBR (5.0G) 63 2016 - free - (1.0M) 2079 102312 1 fat32lba [active] (50M) 104391 10381329 2 freebsd (5.0G) 10485720 40 - free - (20K) So: still has the 2016 and 2079 that do not seem to match what /usr/src/release/ materials would indicate --and the 2079 leads to poor alignment for a microsd cards, for example. But, at least something was produced this time. There is now a 13.1-STABLE snapshot to test the handling related to the new UFS/FFS superblock validations. === Mark Millard marklmi at