git: e8f035763083 - main - Revert "tests: fix ATF_TESTS_PYTEST no clean build"

From: Mark Johnston <>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 17:14:48 UTC
The branch main has been updated by markj:


commit e8f035763083c902a54e91f1999daaec628e9ebf
Author:     Mark Johnston <>
AuthorDate: 2023-10-22 17:13:31 +0000
Commit:     Mark Johnston <>
CommitDate: 2023-10-22 17:14:13 +0000

    Revert "tests: fix ATF_TESTS_PYTEST no clean build"
    This reverts commit 6120673f7566c35023921540d2d682572d1bf1ce, which
    appears to break a clean buildworld.
 share/mk/ | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/share/mk/ b/share/mk/
index bbc76b7fd97f..4b8ac8dedc27 100644
--- a/share/mk/
+++ b/share/mk/
@@ -111,19 +111,39 @@ ${_T}: ${ATF_TESTS_KSH93_SRC_${_T}}
 .if !empty(ATF_TESTS_PYTEST)
+# SCRIPTS interface removes file extension unless
+# SCRIPTSNAME is set, which is not possible to do here.
+# Workaround this by appending another extension (.xtmp) to the
+# file name. Use separate loop to avoid dealing with explicitly
+# stating expansion for each and every variable.
+# ATF_TESTS_PYTEST -> contains list of files as is ( ..)
+# _ATF_TESTS_PYTEST -> ( ..)
+# Former array is iterated to construct Kyuafile, where original file
+#  names need to be written.
+# Latter array is iterated to enable scripts framework -
+#  namely, installing scripts without .xtmp prefix. Note: this allows to
+#  not bother about the fact that make target needs to be different from
+#  the source file.
 .for _T in ${ATF_TESTS_PYTEST}
+_ATF_TESTS_PYTEST += ${_T}.xtmp
 TEST_METADATA.${_T}+= required_programs="pytest"
+.for _T in ${_ATF_TESTS_PYTEST}
 CLEANFILES+= ${_T} ${_T}.tmp
 # TODO(jmmv): It seems to me that this SED and SRC functionality should
 # exist in along the support for SCRIPTS.  Move it there if
 # this proves to be useful within the tests.
 ATF_TESTS_PYTEST_SED_${_T}?= # empty
-${_T}:	${.CURDIR}/${_T}
+ATF_TESTS_PYTEST_SRC_${_T}?= ${.CURDIR}/${_T:S,.xtmp$,,}
 	echo "#! /usr/libexec/atf_pytest_wrapper -P ${TESTSBASE}" > ${.TARGET}.tmp
 .if empty(ATF_TESTS_PYTEST_SED_${_T})
 	cat ${ATF_TESTS_PYTEST_SRC_${_T}}  >>${.TARGET}.tmp