Re: git: b1c95af45488 - main - rc.conf: correct $ntp_leapfile_sources

From: Xin Li <>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:17:55 UTC
On 2023-12-06 22:34, Philip Paeps wrote:
> On 2023-12-07 14:26:05 (+0800), Warner Losh wrote:
>> We should point to bipm
>> since they 
>> are
>> the source of truth, no?
> I went for the IANA copy because is a much shorter and 
> trustworthy looking URL.  And it's also where other operating systems 
> get their copies.

My understanding is that IANA's copy is part of tzdata and it's only 
updated when a new set of zone data is released, so it's sometimes 
outdated.  It is actually going to be outdated really soon by the way.

The IERS one is more up-to-date because they publish the bulletin.

The bundled version was from NIST ftp, but fetching from ftp for every 
FreeBSD system out there was too scary for me.

There may be some security / privacy concerns if we direct users to a 
place that we do not have control, by the way.
