git: 82bfeeff10da - main - tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua: detect port conflicts

From: Stefan Eßer <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:38:38 UTC
The branch main has been updated by se:


commit 82bfeeff10da860b1ed9f03a01f3282b42b991be
Author:     Stefan Eßer <>
AuthorDate: 2022-01-13 21:36:09 +0000
Commit:     Stefan Eßer <>
CommitDate: 2022-01-13 21:36:09 +0000

    tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua: detect port conflicts
    This tool can be used to detect install conflicts (ports/packages that
    conflict with each other because of identically named files).
    MFC after:      3 days
 tools/tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 184 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua b/tools/tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ced7cc619f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/tools/portconflicts/port_conflicts_check.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD
+Copyright (c) 2022 Stefan Esser <>
+Generate a list of existing and required CONFLICTS_INSTALL lines
+for all ports (limited to ports for which official packages are 
+This script depends on the ports-mgmt/pkg-provides port for the list 
+of files installed by all pre-built packages for the architecture
+the script is run on.
+The script generates a list of ports by running "pkg provides ." and 
+a mapping from package base name to origin via "pkg rquery '%n %o'".
+The existing CONFLICTS and CONFLICTS_INSTALL definitions are fetched
+by "make -C $origin -V CONFLICTS -V CONFLICTS_INSTALL". This list is
+only representative for the options configured for each port (i.e. 
+if non-default options have been selected and registered, these may
+lead to a non-default list of conflicts).
+The script detects files used by more than one port, than lists by 
+origin the existing definition and the list of package base names
+that have been detected to cause install conflicts followed by the 
+list of duplicate files separated by a hash character "#".
+This script uses the "hidden" LUA interpreter in the FreeBSD base
+systems and does not need any port except "pkg-provides" to be run.
+The run-time on my system checking the ~32000 packages available 
+for -CURRENT on amd64 is 150 seconds.
+require "lfs"
+local index_file = "/usr/ports/INDEX-14"
+local function read_index ()
+   local ORIGIN = {}
+   local pipe = io.popen("pkg rquery '%n %o'")
+   for line in pipe:lines() do
+      local pkgbase, origin = string.match(line, "(%S+) (%S+)")
+      ORIGIN[pkgbase] = origin
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return ORIGIN
+local function read_files()
+   local FILES_TABLE = {}
+   local pkgbase, version
+   local pipe = io.popen("pkg provides .")
+   for line in pipe:lines() do
+      local label = string.sub(line, 1, 10)
+      if label == "Name    : " then
+	 name = string.sub(line, 11)
+	 pkgbase, version = string.match(name, "(.*)-([^-]*)")
+      elseif label == "          " or label == "Filename: " then
+	 local file = string.sub(line, 11)
+	 if file:sub(1, 10) == "usr/local/" then
+	    file = file:sub(11)
+	 else
+	    file = "/" .. file
+	 end
+	 local t = FILES_TABLE[file] or {}
+	 t[#t + 1] = pkgbase
+	 FILES_TABLE[file] = t
+      end
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return FILES_TABLE
+local PKG_PAIRS = {}
+for file, pkgbases in pairs(read_files()) do
+   if #pkgbases > 1 then
+      for i = 1, #pkgbases -1 do
+	 local pkg_i = pkgbases[i]
+	 for j = i + 1, #pkgbases do
+	    local pkg_j = pkgbases[j]
+	    if pkg_i ~= pkg_j then
+	       p1 = PKG_PAIRS[pkg_i] or {}
+	       p2 = p1[pkg_j] or {}
+	       p2[#p2 + 1] = file
+	       p1[pkg_j] = p2
+	       PKG_PAIRS[pkg_i] = p1
+	    end
+	 end
+      end
+   end
+local CONFLICT_PKGS = {} 
+local CONFLICT_FILES = {}
+for pkg_i, p1 in pairs(PKG_PAIRS) do
+   for pkg_j, p2 in pairs(p1) do
+      CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_i] = CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_i] or {}
+      CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_j] = CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_j] or {}
+      CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_i] = CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_i] or {}
+      CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_j] = CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_j] or {}
+      table.insert(CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_i], pkg_j)
+      table.insert(CONFLICT_PKGS[pkg_j], pkg_i)
+      for _, file in ipairs(p2) do
+	 table.insert(CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_i], file)
+	 table.insert(CONFLICT_FILES[pkg_j], file)
+      end
+   end
+local function table_sorted_keys(t)
+   result = {}
+   for k, _ in pairs(t) do
+      result[#result + 1] = k
+   end
+   table.sort(result)
+   return result
+local function table_sort_uniq(t)
+   local result = {}
+   local last
+   table.sort(t)
+   for _, entry in ipairs(t) do
+      if entry ~= last then
+	 last = entry
+	 result[#result + 1] = entry
+      end
+   end
+   return result
+local ORIGIN = read_index()
+local RESULT_PATTERN = {}
+for pkg, pkgs in pairs(CONFLICT_PKGS) do
+   local origin = ORIGIN[pkg]
+   if origin then
+      table.sort(pkgs)
+      RESULT_PATTERN[origin] = table.concat(pkgs, " ")
+   end
+local FILE_LIST = {}
+for pkg, files in pairs(CONFLICT_FILES) do
+   local origin = ORIGIN[pkg]
+   if origin then
+      FILE_LIST[origin] = table.concat(table_sort_uniq(files), " ")
+   end
+for _, origin in ipairs(table_sorted_keys(RESULT_PATTERN)) do
+   local pipe = io.popen("make -C /usr/ports/" .. origin .. " -V CONFLICTS -V CONFLICTS_INSTALL 2>/dev/null")
+   local conflicts_table = {}
+   local seen = {}
+   for line in pipe:lines() do
+      for word in line:gmatch("(%S*)%s?") do
+	 if word ~= "" and not seen[word] then
+	    table.insert(conflicts_table, word)
+	    seen[word] = true
+	 end
+      end
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   table.sort(conflicts_table)
+   conflicts_string = table.concat(conflicts_table, " ")
+   local conflicts_new = RESULT_PATTERN[origin]
+   if conflicts_string ~= conflicts_new then
+      print("< " .. origin, conflicts_string)
+      print("> " .. origin, conflicts_new .. " # " .. FILE_LIST[origin])
+      print()
+   end