Re: git: cf75f452e94a - main - sysutils/conky: Update to 1.14.0

From: Guido Falsi <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:54:23 UTC
On 14/10/22 17:49, Dmitri Goutnik wrote:
> Hi Guido,
> On 22-10-14 17:31:54, Guido Falsi wrote:
>> On 14/10/22 17:18, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 05:01:46PM +0200, Guido Falsi wrote:
>> In the ports tree man pages are not part of DOCS, but a base component of a
>> port, so I can't wrap the man page generation in the DOCS knob.
>> Any suggestions?
> Ultimately it's of course your call as a port maintainer how to better serve
> your port users, but we have MANPAGES knob and there are many precedents in
> the ports tree where it's used for exactly this reason (heavy-ish build
> dependencies).

Yes we do, and I could use it, but I also need to hack conditionals in 
the conky build system. I'll do that, and try to do that in an 
upstreamable way. More work now, but, if upstream accepts it, much more 
maintainable in the future.

> I use conky in gui-less mode (consuming its json output in i3bar) and it's
> seems wasteful to build ghc/pandoc just to get a man page (which I never knew
> existed).

This makes me think about another much more useful idea. conky could be 
flavorized tyo create a UI less version.

Problem doing this is I have no way to gauge how many people would take 
advantage of that (binary package flavor).

One problem with ports is, maintainers have no idea who and how they are 
used, so it is difficult to understand which flavors would be most useful.

Guido Falsi <>