Re: git: 43741377b143 - main - security/openssl: Security update to 1.1.1n

From: Christoph Moench-Tegeder <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 22:20:00 UTC
## Kurt Jaeger (

> We upgraded a production box from 12.2p11 directly to 13.0p8 and
> are now unsure if we might have trouble. We do not build ports
> on that box, but still...

You could use clamav to find all-NUL files... "/^\x00+$/" throws
false positives on PDFs (no idea why), but did find two bad
packages on my repo.

> So we're somehow between a rock and a hard place and would
> appreciate if some p9 would be provided that rolls back the two
> zfs fixes. Is someone working on that ?

FreeBSD-EN-22:13.zfs gives you that.


Spare Space