git: 54b34c40220d - main - devel/gitaly: update to 14.7.0

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 10:43:19 UTC
The branch main has been updated by mfechner:


commit 54b34c40220d4941e267f3702691e42d859d2d44
Author:     Matthias Fechner <>
AuthorDate: 2022-01-26 06:59:58 +0000
Commit:     Matthias Fechner <>
CommitDate: 2022-01-26 10:42:58 +0000

    devel/gitaly: update to 14.7.0
    Required for gitlab-ce 14.7.
 devel/gitaly/Makefile                              |  23 +-
 devel/gitaly/distinfo                              |  32 +-
 devel/gitaly/files/patch-4108.patch                | 768 ---------------------
 devel/gitaly/files/patch-Makefile                  |  15 +-
 devel/gitaly/files/patch-ruby_Gemfile              |  22 +-
 ...om_libgit2_git2go_v32_Build__bundled__static.go |  11 -
 ...com_libgit2_git2go_v32_Build__system__static.go |  11 -
 7 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 835 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devel/gitaly/Makefile b/devel/gitaly/Makefile
index 147f641addff..962f588ce865 100644
--- a/devel/gitaly/Makefile
+++ b/devel/gitaly/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 PORTNAME=	gitaly
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ MY_DEPENDS=	git>=2.33.0:devel/git \
 		rubygem-gitlab-markup>=1.8.0<1.9.0:textproc/rubygem-gitlab-markup \
 		rubygem-activesupport61>=<6.1.5:devel/rubygem-activesupport61 \
 		rubygem-rdoc>=6.3.2<7.0:devel/rubygem-rdoc \
-		rubygem-gitlab-gollum-lib>=<4.2.8:www/rubygem-gitlab-gollum-lib \
+		rubygem-gitlab-gollum-lib>=<4.2.8:www/rubygem-gitlab-gollum-lib \
 		rubygem-gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter>=< \
 		rubygem-grpc142>=1.42.0.pre1<2:net/rubygem-grpc142 \
 		rubygem-sentry-raven>=3.0<4:devel/rubygem-sentry-raven \
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ MAKE_ENV+=	${GO_ENV}
 GL_ACCOUNT=	gitlab-org
 # Find this here:
-GL_COMMIT=	b16fee14516980fedd9d67d5207cadf2165ab162
+GL_COMMIT=	f29f1fdadb51328ed686c2c916b332eae6a55e49
 # for go dependencies
 USE_GITHUB=	nodefault
 # generated with: make gomod-vendor
-# 137dd
+# 143dd
 		Azure:azure-pipeline-go:v0.2.3:azure_azure_pipeline_go/vendor/ \
 		Azure:azure-storage-blob-go:v0.13.0:azure_azure_storage_blob_go/vendor/ \
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ GH_TUPLE=	\
 		godbus:dbus:v5.0.4:godbus_dbus_v5/vendor/ \
 		gogo:protobuf:v1.3.2:gogo_protobuf/vendor/ \
 		golang:appengine:v1.6.7:golang_appengine/vendor/ \
-		golang:crypto:38f3c27a63bf:golang_crypto/vendor/ \
+		golang:crypto:a769d52b0f97:golang_crypto/vendor/ \
 		golang:exp:e8c3332aa8e5:golang_exp/vendor/ \
 		golang:groupcache:41bb18bfe9da:golang_groupcache/vendor/ \
 		golang:lint:83fdc39ff7b5:golang_lint/vendor/ \
@@ -135,6 +135,14 @@ GH_TUPLE=	\
 		hashicorp:yamux:a95892c5f864:hashicorp_yamux/vendor/ \
 		hhatto:gorst:ca9f730cac5b:hhatto_gorst/vendor/ \
 		imdario:mergo:v0.3.12:imdario_mergo/vendor/ \
+		jackc:chunkreader:v2.0.1:jackc_chunkreader_v2/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgconn:v1.10.1:jackc_pgconn/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgio:v1.0.0:jackc_pgio/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgpassfile:v1.0.0:jackc_pgpassfile/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgproto3:v2.2.0:jackc_pgproto3_v2/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgservicefile:2b9c44734f2b:jackc_pgservicefile/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgtype:v1.9.1:jackc_pgtype/vendor/ \
+		jackc:pgx:v4.14.1:jackc_pgx_v4/vendor/ \
 		jbenet:go-context:d14ea06fba99:jbenet_go_context/vendor/ \
 		jcmturner:aescts:v1.0.1:jcmturner_aescts/vendor/ \
 		jcmturner:dnsutils:v1.0.1:jcmturner_dnsutils/vendor/ \
@@ -146,8 +154,7 @@ GH_TUPLE=	\
 		jstemmer:go-junit-report:v0.9.1:jstemmer_go_junit_report/vendor/ \
 		kelseyhightower:envconfig:v1.3.0:kelseyhightower_envconfig/vendor/ \
 		kevinburke:ssh_config:4977a11b4351:kevinburke_ssh_config/vendor/ \
-		lib:pq:v1.10.1:lib_pq/vendor/ \
-		libgit2:git2go:v32.0.5:libgit2_git2go_v32/vendor/ \
+		libgit2:git2go:v32.1.6:libgit2_git2go_v32/vendor/ \
 		lightstep:lightstep-tracer-common:a8dfcb80d3a7:lightstep_lightstep_tracer_common_gogo/vendor/ \
 		lightstep:lightstep-tracer-go:v0.24.0:lightstep_lightstep_tracer_go/vendor/ \
 		mattn:go-ieproxy:v0.0.1:mattn_go_ieproxy/vendor/ \
@@ -230,5 +237,3 @@ post-install:
 		s#${DATADIR_REL}/bin#@(,,555) ${DATADIR_REL}/bin#; ' >> ${TMPPLIST}
 .include <>
diff --git a/devel/gitaly/distinfo b/devel/gitaly/distinfo
index 224918a8f072..1f274fd8eca0 100644
--- a/devel/gitaly/distinfo
+++ b/devel/gitaly/distinfo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1642667421
+TIMESTAMP = 1643140104
 SHA256 (Azure-azure-pipeline-go-v0.2.3_GH0.tar.gz) = 99bd58f4a07dd02d9615e3638b3bb6dbfad80ef678ccdb8e17e3fa2b0fef343e
 SIZE (Azure-azure-pipeline-go-v0.2.3_GH0.tar.gz) = 17102
 SHA256 (Azure-azure-storage-blob-go-v0.13.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 6bf7145210331efa3f0417f6684cf764c22743cf23122048ec136600daebf443
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ SHA256 (gogo-protobuf-v1.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 2bb4b13d6e56b3911f09b8e9ddd15708477fb
 SIZE (gogo-protobuf-v1.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 2038725
 SHA256 (golang-appengine-v1.6.7_GH0.tar.gz) = c623d81235f7c9699e299b328191d813337dd57dcc800d7afdb5130e8c321a8f
 SIZE (golang-appengine-v1.6.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 333007
-SHA256 (golang-crypto-38f3c27a63bf_GH0.tar.gz) = b55bc13c8a313ed80310a84eb7cceb303532774439493636a89b17c170250e31
-SIZE (golang-crypto-38f3c27a63bf_GH0.tar.gz) = 1731839
+SHA256 (golang-crypto-a769d52b0f97_GH0.tar.gz) = d93f7b5b85901b88518c3997c20ac1aff1d60ecb127a0427e87da87cc7d593a1
+SIZE (golang-crypto-a769d52b0f97_GH0.tar.gz) = 1731973
 SHA256 (golang-exp-e8c3332aa8e5_GH0.tar.gz) = 02d36b798456326f37ca4bebc8824c0eafe650ae9b0fc2673a034d7c3add5422
 SIZE (golang-exp-e8c3332aa8e5_GH0.tar.gz) = 1513507
 SHA256 (golang-groupcache-41bb18bfe9da_GH0.tar.gz) = 1e89795970d6593affdafe1d09dcf947681ca1ea82528e8e4fb9974a77f2e394
@@ -157,6 +157,22 @@ SHA256 (hhatto-gorst-ca9f730cac5b_GH0.tar.gz) = ff9702fb0409e8eb462c47093e972ff0
 SIZE (hhatto-gorst-ca9f730cac5b_GH0.tar.gz) = 53795
 SHA256 (imdario-mergo-v0.3.12_GH0.tar.gz) = f0ad95fe47f1a9c15545fe3e8abf4364b8163a0f872ce25d6f6ae85e7c885302
 SIZE (imdario-mergo-v0.3.12_GH0.tar.gz) = 22319
+SHA256 (jackc-chunkreader-v2.0.1_GH0.tar.gz) = bf856bad6608fb7345707aba713a1d77eb984f1d217065738a12c97e37669be4
+SIZE (jackc-chunkreader-v2.0.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 3038
+SHA256 (jackc-pgconn-v1.10.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 7045b8e2059025229f1b1344d28289b753e0b1f1f6196adbcb10f07e56e10462
+SIZE (jackc-pgconn-v1.10.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 54190
+SHA256 (jackc-pgio-v1.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = d36e367c877954acdc96b8cd1a0df417b4cfae80dae726474a8f0de3a68a68ab
+SIZE (jackc-pgio-v1.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 1884
+SHA256 (jackc-pgpassfile-v1.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = df8904662382e1d0064ec7a5a8c36c49264d7128cea923d597802ada8c5b9603
+SIZE (jackc-pgpassfile-v1.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 3254
+SHA256 (jackc-pgproto3-v2.2.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 752bf556fd414ca91e4ef0947c63a42566f46b9c26a4493deca7e9f135044f21
+SIZE (jackc-pgproto3-v2.2.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 23690
+SHA256 (jackc-pgservicefile-2b9c44734f2b_GH0.tar.gz) = dd6cf77deb2456b1c8e56875ed901a57eb887e63ae5de48f364906131275497e
+SIZE (jackc-pgservicefile-2b9c44734f2b_GH0.tar.gz) = 2991
+SHA256 (jackc-pgtype-v1.9.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 5b88f70bb5f8a9b4c2db451f7e8ffad2a287a00ac88c2be27a6c3909209979f4
+SIZE (jackc-pgtype-v1.9.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 177403
+SHA256 (jackc-pgx-v4.14.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 775caa6b67d93da276212197ca33d1d7a5d52f12e9298f76a239cee115e19c0a
+SIZE (jackc-pgx-v4.14.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 110607
 SHA256 (jbenet-go-context-d14ea06fba99_GH0.tar.gz) = b5a5c4fe8d73dea7dc838f1c428c5fff0db9b50a2c014208a2761de4e94fa5ba
 SIZE (jbenet-go-context-d14ea06fba99_GH0.tar.gz) = 5945
 SHA256 (jcmturner-aescts-v1.0.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 89d8aa45b05c9cd5e66c40a5c4f3a5224dbf9632d1fd1e27d05f2ad26effae32
@@ -179,10 +195,8 @@ SHA256 (kelseyhightower-envconfig-v1.3.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 3556a0d014ba778b78955e8ec
 SIZE (kelseyhightower-envconfig-v1.3.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 12408
 SHA256 (kevinburke-ssh_config-4977a11b4351_GH0.tar.gz) = 568ea6be8d237ca16dcd03e2fa5e07461ab596ccff40197ac34dac43f97389ec
 SIZE (kevinburke-ssh_config-4977a11b4351_GH0.tar.gz) = 17407
-SHA256 (lib-pq-v1.10.1_GH0.tar.gz) = bbf8f9796747e3e8645175c4e4c12c39c05938b62f93386ac401bba2abfa6a91
-SIZE (lib-pq-v1.10.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 103789
-SHA256 (libgit2-git2go-v32.0.5_GH0.tar.gz) = 5acf64756d5cdc6706013ca985d8283848894a9e26e29bd472bf7cdd5f5539d8
-SIZE (libgit2-git2go-v32.0.5_GH0.tar.gz) = 128189
+SHA256 (libgit2-git2go-v32.1.6_GH0.tar.gz) = 88e3c479b68f7920ec17fde693c7c9ece25507b9ec102a5e944fd7e1f9a926e7
+SIZE (libgit2-git2go-v32.1.6_GH0.tar.gz) = 129122
 SHA256 (lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common-a8dfcb80d3a7_GH0.tar.gz) = 0403290c66b3dd109d0a726784b8b0a8583c5d19d35d12a0c2b89a434ed2d0c6
 SIZE (lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common-a8dfcb80d3a7_GH0.tar.gz) = 58493
 SHA256 (lightstep-lightstep-tracer-go-v0.24.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 794c5cea97c46ee5a9139c1b2770cbd81d4534ba4359a8b6b744566c4abfb15b
@@ -265,8 +279,8 @@ SHA256 (xanzy-ssh-agent-v0.3.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 7ce80a93d0fdbeb6760f97d6d166d11c215
 SIZE (xanzy-ssh-agent-v0.3.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 8421
 SHA256 (gonum-gonum-v0.8.2_GH0.tar.gz) = a2aad1ac038d36d568939910f39eb0c58cae3c6f0b18df3ca74a8daa954d1663
 SIZE (gonum-gonum-v0.8.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 3226037
-SHA256 (gitlab-org-gitaly-b16fee14516980fedd9d67d5207cadf2165ab162_GL0.tar.gz) = 5e8f180f7d6b74d94d068fcce6b2a8fe5bdd18e55cb1212bb5893120d8d547bd
-SIZE (gitlab-org-gitaly-b16fee14516980fedd9d67d5207cadf2165ab162_GL0.tar.gz) = 3759569
+SHA256 (gitlab-org-gitaly-f29f1fdadb51328ed686c2c916b332eae6a55e49_GL0.tar.gz) = de1209d06b1aa34545e0e2ce7bfc8cbdb8eb8a66e4d2b2a785531df304c67ea8
+SIZE (gitlab-org-gitaly-f29f1fdadb51328ed686c2c916b332eae6a55e49_GL0.tar.gz) = 3768282
 SHA256 (gitlab-org-gitlab-shell-50da611814d256c77e689977265ec7e07633a4dc_GL0.tar.gz) = a00e10d3dbe50e7c70b75c5fcf7d42a039a24c13b0b751a0339bb18261ac50af
 SIZE (gitlab-org-gitlab-shell-50da611814d256c77e689977265ec7e07633a4dc_GL0.tar.gz) = 124516
 SHA256 (gitlab-org-labkit-397363e2404ac0276b1959373a1c1c2bc1610d67_GL0.tar.gz) = e48dae8ea183f946189a9ac7e4cbe4bc0fa583e6baafb0074a3463a879565ecb
diff --git a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-4108.patch b/devel/gitaly/files/patch-4108.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a063e657f8..000000000000
--- a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-4108.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/blob_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/blob_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: blob.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("blob.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.GetBlobRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/blob_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/blob_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Gitaly
-   module BlobService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-@@ -17,29 +17,29 @@ module Gitaly
-       # GetBlob returns the contents of a blob object referenced by its object
-       # ID. We use a stream to return a chunked arbitrarily large binary
-       # response
--      rpc :GetBlob, Gitaly::GetBlobRequest, stream(Gitaly::GetBlobResponse)
--      rpc :GetBlobs, Gitaly::GetBlobsRequest, stream(Gitaly::GetBlobsResponse)
-+      rpc :GetBlob, ::Gitaly::GetBlobRequest, stream(::Gitaly::GetBlobResponse)
-+      rpc :GetBlobs, ::Gitaly::GetBlobsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::GetBlobsResponse)
-       # ListBlobs will list all blobs reachable from a given set of revisions by
-       # doing a graph walk. It is not valid to pass revisions which do not resolve
-       # to an existing object.
--      rpc :ListBlobs, Gitaly::ListBlobsRequest, stream(Gitaly::ListBlobsResponse)
-+      rpc :ListBlobs, ::Gitaly::ListBlobsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::ListBlobsResponse)
-       # ListAllBlobs retrieves all blobs pointers in the repository, including
-       # those not reachable by any reference.
--      rpc :ListAllBlobs, Gitaly::ListAllBlobsRequest, stream(Gitaly::ListAllBlobsResponse)
-+      rpc :ListAllBlobs, ::Gitaly::ListAllBlobsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::ListAllBlobsResponse)
-       # GetLFSPointers retrieves LFS pointers from a given set of object IDs.
-       # This RPC filters all requested objects and only returns those which refer
-       # to a valid LFS pointer.
--      rpc :GetLFSPointers, Gitaly::GetLFSPointersRequest, stream(Gitaly::GetLFSPointersResponse)
-+      rpc :GetLFSPointers, ::Gitaly::GetLFSPointersRequest, stream(::Gitaly::GetLFSPointersResponse)
-       # ListLFSPointers retrieves LFS pointers reachable from a given set of
-       # revisions by doing a graph walk. This includes both normal revisions like
-       # an object ID or branch, but also the pseudo-revisions "--all" and "--not"
-       # as documented in git-rev-parse(1). Revisions which don't directly or
-       # transitively reference any LFS pointers are ignored. It is not valid to
-       # pass revisions which do not resolve to an existing object.
--      rpc :ListLFSPointers, Gitaly::ListLFSPointersRequest, stream(Gitaly::ListLFSPointersResponse)
-+      rpc :ListLFSPointers, ::Gitaly::ListLFSPointersRequest, stream(::Gitaly::ListLFSPointersResponse)
-       # ListAllLFSPointers retrieves all LFS pointers in the repository, including
-       # those not reachable by any reference.
--      rpc :ListAllLFSPointers, Gitaly::ListAllLFSPointersRequest, stream(Gitaly::ListAllLFSPointersResponse)
-+      rpc :ListAllLFSPointers, ::Gitaly::ListAllLFSPointersRequest, stream(::Gitaly::ListAllLFSPointersResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/cleanup_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/cleanup_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: cleanup.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("cleanup.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.ApplyBfgObjectMapStreamRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/cleanup_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/cleanup_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ module Gitaly
-   module CleanupService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.CleanupService'
--      rpc :ApplyBfgObjectMapStream, stream(Gitaly::ApplyBfgObjectMapStreamRequest), stream(Gitaly::ApplyBfgObjectMapStreamResponse)
-+      rpc :ApplyBfgObjectMapStream, stream(::Gitaly::ApplyBfgObjectMapStreamRequest), stream(::Gitaly::ApplyBfgObjectMapStreamResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/commit_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/commit_pb.rb
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: commit.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf/timestamp_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("commit.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.ListCommitsRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/commit_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/commit_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Gitaly
-   module CommitService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/conflicts_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/conflicts_pb.rb
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: conflicts.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf/timestamp_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("conflicts.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.ListConflictFilesRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/conflicts_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/conflicts_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ module Gitaly
-   module ConflictsService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.ConflictsService'
--      rpc :ListConflictFiles, Gitaly::ListConflictFilesRequest, stream(Gitaly::ListConflictFilesResponse)
-+      rpc :ListConflictFiles, ::Gitaly::ListConflictFilesRequest, stream(::Gitaly::ListConflictFilesResponse)
-       # ResolveConflicts tries to resolve a conflicting merge with a set of
-       # user-provided merge resolutions. If resolving the conflict succeeds, the
-       # result will be a new merge commit.
--      rpc :ResolveConflicts, stream(Gitaly::ResolveConflictsRequest), Gitaly::ResolveConflictsResponse
-+      rpc :ResolveConflicts, stream(::Gitaly::ResolveConflictsRequest), ::Gitaly::ResolveConflictsResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/diff_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/diff_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: diff.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("diff.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.CommitDiffRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/diff_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/diff_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ module Gitaly
-   module DiffService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.DiffService'
-       # Returns stream of CommitDiffResponse with patches chunked over messages
--      rpc :CommitDiff, Gitaly::CommitDiffRequest, stream(Gitaly::CommitDiffResponse)
-+      rpc :CommitDiff, ::Gitaly::CommitDiffRequest, stream(::Gitaly::CommitDiffResponse)
-       # Return a stream so we can divide the response in chunks of deltas
--      rpc :CommitDelta, Gitaly::CommitDeltaRequest, stream(Gitaly::CommitDeltaResponse)
--      rpc :RawDiff, Gitaly::RawDiffRequest, stream(Gitaly::RawDiffResponse)
--      rpc :RawPatch, Gitaly::RawPatchRequest, stream(Gitaly::RawPatchResponse)
--      rpc :DiffStats, Gitaly::DiffStatsRequest, stream(Gitaly::DiffStatsResponse)
-+      rpc :CommitDelta, ::Gitaly::CommitDeltaRequest, stream(::Gitaly::CommitDeltaResponse)
-+      rpc :RawDiff, ::Gitaly::RawDiffRequest, stream(::Gitaly::RawDiffResponse)
-+      rpc :RawPatch, ::Gitaly::RawPatchRequest, stream(::Gitaly::RawPatchResponse)
-+      rpc :DiffStats, ::Gitaly::DiffStatsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::DiffStatsResponse)
-       # Return a list of files changed along with the status of each file
--      rpc :FindChangedPaths, Gitaly::FindChangedPathsRequest, stream(Gitaly::FindChangedPathsResponse)
-+      rpc :FindChangedPaths, ::Gitaly::FindChangedPathsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::FindChangedPathsResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/hook_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/hook_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: hook.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("hook.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.PreReceiveHookRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/hook_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/hook_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ module Gitaly
-   module HookService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.HookService'
--      rpc :PreReceiveHook, stream(Gitaly::PreReceiveHookRequest), stream(Gitaly::PreReceiveHookResponse)
--      rpc :PostReceiveHook, stream(Gitaly::PostReceiveHookRequest), stream(Gitaly::PostReceiveHookResponse)
--      rpc :UpdateHook, Gitaly::UpdateHookRequest, stream(Gitaly::UpdateHookResponse)
--      rpc :ReferenceTransactionHook, stream(Gitaly::ReferenceTransactionHookRequest), stream(Gitaly::ReferenceTransactionHookResponse)
-+      rpc :PreReceiveHook, stream(::Gitaly::PreReceiveHookRequest), stream(::Gitaly::PreReceiveHookResponse)
-+      rpc :PostReceiveHook, stream(::Gitaly::PostReceiveHookRequest), stream(::Gitaly::PostReceiveHookResponse)
-+      rpc :UpdateHook, ::Gitaly::UpdateHookRequest, stream(::Gitaly::UpdateHookResponse)
-+      rpc :ReferenceTransactionHook, stream(::Gitaly::ReferenceTransactionHookRequest), stream(::Gitaly::ReferenceTransactionHookResponse)
-       # PackObjectsHook has been replaced by PackObjectsHookWithSidechannel. Remove in 15.0.
--      rpc :PackObjectsHook, stream(Gitaly::PackObjectsHookRequest), stream(Gitaly::PackObjectsHookResponse)
-+      rpc :PackObjectsHook, stream(::Gitaly::PackObjectsHookRequest), stream(::Gitaly::PackObjectsHookResponse)
-       # PackObjectsHookWithSidechannel is an optimized version of PackObjectsHook that uses
-       # a unix socket side channel.
--      rpc :PackObjectsHookWithSidechannel, Gitaly::PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelRequest, Gitaly::PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelResponse
-+      rpc :PackObjectsHookWithSidechannel, ::Gitaly::PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelRequest, ::Gitaly::PackObjectsHookWithSidechannelResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/internal_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/internal_pb.rb
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: internal.proto
-+require 'lint_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf'
--require 'lint_pb'
- do
-   add_file("internal.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.WalkReposRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/internal_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/internal_services_pb.rb
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Gitaly
-     # only reachable by Praefect or other Gitalies
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Gitaly
-       # WalkRepos walks the storage and streams back all known git repos on the
-       # requested storage
--      rpc :WalkRepos, Gitaly::WalkReposRequest, stream(Gitaly::WalkReposResponse)
-+      rpc :WalkRepos, ::Gitaly::WalkReposRequest, stream(::Gitaly::WalkReposResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/lint_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/lint_pb.rb
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: lint.proto
-+require 'google/protobuf/descriptor_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf'
- do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/namespace_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/namespace_pb.rb
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: namespace.proto
-+require 'lint_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf'
--require 'lint_pb'
- do
-   add_file("namespace.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.AddNamespaceRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/namespace_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/namespace_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ module Gitaly
-   module NamespaceService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.NamespaceService'
--      rpc :AddNamespace, Gitaly::AddNamespaceRequest, Gitaly::AddNamespaceResponse
--      rpc :RemoveNamespace, Gitaly::RemoveNamespaceRequest, Gitaly::RemoveNamespaceResponse
--      rpc :RenameNamespace, Gitaly::RenameNamespaceRequest, Gitaly::RenameNamespaceResponse
--      rpc :NamespaceExists, Gitaly::NamespaceExistsRequest, Gitaly::NamespaceExistsResponse
-+      rpc :AddNamespace, ::Gitaly::AddNamespaceRequest, ::Gitaly::AddNamespaceResponse
-+      rpc :RemoveNamespace, ::Gitaly::RemoveNamespaceRequest, ::Gitaly::RemoveNamespaceResponse
-+      rpc :RenameNamespace, ::Gitaly::RenameNamespaceRequest, ::Gitaly::RenameNamespaceResponse
-+      rpc :NamespaceExists, ::Gitaly::NamespaceExistsRequest, ::Gitaly::NamespaceExistsResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/objectpool_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/objectpool_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: objectpool.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("objectpool.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.CreateObjectPoolRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/operations_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/operations_pb.rb
-@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: operations.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
- require 'errors_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf/timestamp_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("operations.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.UserCreateBranchRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/operations_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/operations_services_pb.rb
-@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ module Gitaly
-     # '/allowed' endpoint.
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.OperationService'
--      rpc :UserCreateBranch, Gitaly::UserCreateBranchRequest, Gitaly::UserCreateBranchResponse
--      rpc :UserUpdateBranch, Gitaly::UserUpdateBranchRequest, Gitaly::UserUpdateBranchResponse
--      rpc :UserDeleteBranch, Gitaly::UserDeleteBranchRequest, Gitaly::UserDeleteBranchResponse
-+      rpc :UserCreateBranch, ::Gitaly::UserCreateBranchRequest, ::Gitaly::UserCreateBranchResponse
-+      rpc :UserUpdateBranch, ::Gitaly::UserUpdateBranchRequest, ::Gitaly::UserUpdateBranchResponse
-+      rpc :UserDeleteBranch, ::Gitaly::UserDeleteBranchRequest, ::Gitaly::UserDeleteBranchResponse
-       # UserCreateTag creates a new tag.
--      rpc :UserCreateTag, Gitaly::UserCreateTagRequest, Gitaly::UserCreateTagResponse
--      rpc :UserDeleteTag, Gitaly::UserDeleteTagRequest, Gitaly::UserDeleteTagResponse
-+      rpc :UserCreateTag, ::Gitaly::UserCreateTagRequest, ::Gitaly::UserCreateTagResponse
-+      rpc :UserDeleteTag, ::Gitaly::UserDeleteTagRequest, ::Gitaly::UserDeleteTagResponse
-       # UserMergeRef creates a merge commit and updates target_ref to point to that
-       # new commit. The first parent of the merge commit (the main line) is taken
-       # from first_parent_ref. The second parent is specified by its commit ID in source_sha.
-       # If target_ref already exists it will be overwritten.
--      rpc :UserMergeToRef, Gitaly::UserMergeToRefRequest, Gitaly::UserMergeToRefResponse
-+      rpc :UserMergeToRef, ::Gitaly::UserMergeToRefRequest, ::Gitaly::UserMergeToRefResponse
-       # UserMergeBranch tries to merge the given commit into the target branch.
-       # The merge commit is created with the given user as author/committer and
-       # the given message.
-@@ -38,20 +38,20 @@ module Gitaly
-       # requested merge, which will result in a response with the created merge
-       # commit ID. Only if a second message with `apply = true` is sent will the
-       # merge be applied.
--      rpc :UserMergeBranch, stream(Gitaly::UserMergeBranchRequest), stream(Gitaly::UserMergeBranchResponse)
-+      rpc :UserMergeBranch, stream(::Gitaly::UserMergeBranchRequest), stream(::Gitaly::UserMergeBranchResponse)
-       # UserFFBranch tries to perform a fast-forward merge of the given branch to
-       # the given commit. If the merge is not a fast-forward merge, the request
-       # will fail. The RPC will return an empty response in case updating the
-       # reference fails e.g. because of a race.
--      rpc :UserFFBranch, Gitaly::UserFFBranchRequest, Gitaly::UserFFBranchResponse
-+      rpc :UserFFBranch, ::Gitaly::UserFFBranchRequest, ::Gitaly::UserFFBranchResponse
-       # UserCherryPick tries to perform a cherry-pick of a given commit onto a
-       # branch.
--      rpc :UserCherryPick, Gitaly::UserCherryPickRequest, Gitaly::UserCherryPickResponse
-+      rpc :UserCherryPick, ::Gitaly::UserCherryPickRequest, ::Gitaly::UserCherryPickResponse
-       # UserCommitFiles builds a commit from a stream of actions and updates the target branch to point to it.
-       # UserCommitFilesRequest with a UserCommitFilesRequestHeader must be sent as the first message of the stream.
-       # Following that, a variable number of actions can be sent to build a new commit. Each action consists of
-       # a header followed by content if used by the action.
--      rpc :UserCommitFiles, stream(Gitaly::UserCommitFilesRequest), Gitaly::UserCommitFilesResponse
-+      rpc :UserCommitFiles, stream(::Gitaly::UserCommitFilesRequest), ::Gitaly::UserCommitFilesResponse
-       # UserRebaseConfirmable rebases the given remote branch onto a target
-       # branch. The remote branch may be part of another repository.
-       #
-@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ module Gitaly
-       # requested rebase, which will result in a response with the created rebase
-       # commit ID. Only if a second message with `apply = true` is sent will the
-       # rebase be applied.
--      rpc :UserRebaseConfirmable, stream(Gitaly::UserRebaseConfirmableRequest), stream(Gitaly::UserRebaseConfirmableResponse)
-+      rpc :UserRebaseConfirmable, stream(::Gitaly::UserRebaseConfirmableRequest), stream(::Gitaly::UserRebaseConfirmableResponse)
-       # UserRevert tries to perform a revert of a given commit onto a branch.
--      rpc :UserRevert, Gitaly::UserRevertRequest, Gitaly::UserRevertResponse
-+      rpc :UserRevert, ::Gitaly::UserRevertRequest, ::Gitaly::UserRevertResponse
-       # UserSquash squashes a range of commits into a single commit.
--      rpc :UserSquash, Gitaly::UserSquashRequest, Gitaly::UserSquashResponse
-+      rpc :UserSquash, ::Gitaly::UserSquashRequest, ::Gitaly::UserSquashResponse
-       # UserApplyPatch applies patches to a given branch.
--      rpc :UserApplyPatch, stream(Gitaly::UserApplyPatchRequest), Gitaly::UserApplyPatchResponse
-+      rpc :UserApplyPatch, stream(::Gitaly::UserApplyPatchRequest), ::Gitaly::UserApplyPatchResponse
-       # UserUpdateSubmodule updates a submodule to point to a new commit.
--      rpc :UserUpdateSubmodule, Gitaly::UserUpdateSubmoduleRequest, Gitaly::UserUpdateSubmoduleResponse
-+      rpc :UserUpdateSubmodule, ::Gitaly::UserUpdateSubmoduleRequest, ::Gitaly::UserUpdateSubmoduleResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/praefect_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/praefect_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: praefect.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("praefect.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.GetRepositoryMetadataRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/praefect_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/praefect_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ module Gitaly
-   module PraefectInfoService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.PraefectInfoService'
--      rpc :RepositoryReplicas, Gitaly::RepositoryReplicasRequest, Gitaly::RepositoryReplicasResponse
-+      rpc :RepositoryReplicas, ::Gitaly::RepositoryReplicasRequest, ::Gitaly::RepositoryReplicasResponse
-       # DatalossCheck checks for unavailable repositories.
--      rpc :DatalossCheck, Gitaly::DatalossCheckRequest, Gitaly::DatalossCheckResponse
-+      rpc :DatalossCheck, ::Gitaly::DatalossCheckRequest, ::Gitaly::DatalossCheckResponse
-       # SetAuthoritativeStorage sets the authoritative storage for a repository on a given virtual storage.
-       # This causes the current version of the repository on the authoritative storage to be considered the
-       # latest and overwrite any other version on the virtual storage.
--      rpc :SetAuthoritativeStorage, Gitaly::SetAuthoritativeStorageRequest, Gitaly::SetAuthoritativeStorageResponse
-+      rpc :SetAuthoritativeStorage, ::Gitaly::SetAuthoritativeStorageRequest, ::Gitaly::SetAuthoritativeStorageResponse
-       # SetReplicationFactor assigns or unassigns host nodes from the repository to meet the desired replication factor.
-       # SetReplicationFactor returns an error when trying to set a replication factor that exceeds the storage node count
-       # in the virtual storage. An error is also returned when trying to set a replication factor below one. The primary node
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Gitaly
-       # This might cause the actual replication factor to be higher than desired if the replication factor is set during an upgrade
-       # from a Praefect node that does not yet know about a new node. As assignments of unconfigured storages are ignored, replication
-       # factor of repositories assigned to a storage node removed from the cluster is effectively decreased.
--      rpc :SetReplicationFactor, Gitaly::SetReplicationFactorRequest, Gitaly::SetReplicationFactorResponse
-+      rpc :SetReplicationFactor, ::Gitaly::SetReplicationFactorRequest, ::Gitaly::SetReplicationFactorResponse
-       # GetRepositoryMetadata returns the cluster metadata for a repository. Returns NotFound if the repository does not exist.
-       rpc :GetRepositoryMetadata, Gitaly::GetRepositoryMetadataRequest, Gitaly::GetRepositoryMetadataResponse
-     end
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/remote_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/remote_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: remote.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("remote.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.UpdateRemoteMirrorRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/remote_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/remote_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Gitaly
-   module RemoteService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ module Gitaly
-       # references to the mirror. Created and modified references are updated, removed references are
-       # deleted from the mirror. UpdateRemoteMirror updates all tags. Branches are updated if they match
-       # the patterns specified in the requests.
--      rpc :UpdateRemoteMirror, stream(Gitaly::UpdateRemoteMirrorRequest), Gitaly::UpdateRemoteMirrorResponse
--      rpc :FindRemoteRepository, Gitaly::FindRemoteRepositoryRequest, Gitaly::FindRemoteRepositoryResponse
-+      rpc :UpdateRemoteMirror, stream(::Gitaly::UpdateRemoteMirrorRequest), ::Gitaly::UpdateRemoteMirrorResponse
-+      rpc :FindRemoteRepository, ::Gitaly::FindRemoteRepositoryRequest, ::Gitaly::FindRemoteRepositoryResponse
-       # FindRemoteRootRef tries to find the root reference of a remote
-       # repository. The root reference is the default branch as pointed to by
-       # the remotes HEAD reference. Returns an InvalidArgument error if the
-       # specified remote does not exist and a NotFound error in case no HEAD
-       # branch was found.
--      rpc :FindRemoteRootRef, Gitaly::FindRemoteRootRefRequest, Gitaly::FindRemoteRootRefResponse
-+      rpc :FindRemoteRootRef, ::Gitaly::FindRemoteRootRefRequest, ::Gitaly::FindRemoteRootRefResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/repository-service_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/repository-service_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: repository-service.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("repository-service.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.RepositoryExistsRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/server_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/server_pb.rb
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: server.proto
-+require 'lint_pb'
- require 'google/protobuf'
--require 'lint_pb'
- do
-   add_file("server.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.ServerInfoRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/server_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/server_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ module Gitaly
-   module ServerService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.ServerService'
--      rpc :ServerInfo, Gitaly::ServerInfoRequest, Gitaly::ServerInfoResponse
--      rpc :DiskStatistics, Gitaly::DiskStatisticsRequest, Gitaly::DiskStatisticsResponse
-+      rpc :ServerInfo, ::Gitaly::ServerInfoRequest, ::Gitaly::ServerInfoResponse
-+      rpc :DiskStatistics, ::Gitaly::DiskStatisticsRequest, ::Gitaly::DiskStatisticsResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/shared_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/shared_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: shared.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'google/protobuf/timestamp_pb'
- require 'lint_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("shared.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.Repository" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/smarthttp_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/smarthttp_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: smarthttp.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("smarthttp.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.InfoRefsRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/smarthttp_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/smarthttp_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Gitaly
-   module SmartHTTPService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ module Gitaly
-       # The response body for GET /info/refs?service=git-upload-pack
-       # Will be invoked when the user executes a `git fetch`, meaning the server
-       # will upload the packs to that user. The user doesn't upload new objects.
--      rpc :InfoRefsUploadPack, Gitaly::InfoRefsRequest, stream(Gitaly::InfoRefsResponse)
-+      rpc :InfoRefsUploadPack, ::Gitaly::InfoRefsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::InfoRefsResponse)
-       # The response body for GET /info/refs?service=git-receive-pack
-       # Will be invoked when the user executes a `git push`, but only advertises
-       # references to the user.
--      rpc :InfoRefsReceivePack, Gitaly::InfoRefsRequest, stream(Gitaly::InfoRefsResponse)
-+      rpc :InfoRefsReceivePack, ::Gitaly::InfoRefsRequest, stream(::Gitaly::InfoRefsResponse)
-       # Request and response body for POST /upload-pack
--      rpc :PostUploadPack, stream(Gitaly::PostUploadPackRequest), stream(Gitaly::PostUploadPackResponse)
-+      rpc :PostUploadPack, stream(::Gitaly::PostUploadPackRequest), stream(::Gitaly::PostUploadPackResponse)
-       # Request and response body for POST /upload-pack using sidechannel protocol
--      rpc :PostUploadPackWithSidechannel, Gitaly::PostUploadPackWithSidechannelRequest, Gitaly::PostUploadPackWithSidechannelResponse
-+      rpc :PostUploadPackWithSidechannel, ::Gitaly::PostUploadPackWithSidechannelRequest, ::Gitaly::PostUploadPackWithSidechannelResponse
-       # Request and response body for POST /receive-pack
--      rpc :PostReceivePack, stream(Gitaly::PostReceivePackRequest), stream(Gitaly::PostReceivePackResponse)
-+      rpc :PostReceivePack, stream(::Gitaly::PostReceivePackRequest), stream(::Gitaly::PostReceivePackResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/ssh_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/ssh_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: ssh.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("ssh.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.SSHUploadPackRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/ssh_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/ssh_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ module Gitaly
-   module SSHService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.SSHService'
-       # To forward 'git upload-pack' to Gitaly for SSH sessions
--      rpc :SSHUploadPack, stream(Gitaly::SSHUploadPackRequest), stream(Gitaly::SSHUploadPackResponse)
-+      rpc :SSHUploadPack, stream(::Gitaly::SSHUploadPackRequest), stream(::Gitaly::SSHUploadPackResponse)
-       # To forward 'git receive-pack' to Gitaly for SSH sessions
--      rpc :SSHReceivePack, stream(Gitaly::SSHReceivePackRequest), stream(Gitaly::SSHReceivePackResponse)
-+      rpc :SSHReceivePack, stream(::Gitaly::SSHReceivePackRequest), stream(::Gitaly::SSHReceivePackResponse)
-       # To forward 'git upload-archive' to Gitaly for SSH sessions
--      rpc :SSHUploadArchive, stream(Gitaly::SSHUploadArchiveRequest), stream(Gitaly::SSHUploadArchiveResponse)
-+      rpc :SSHUploadArchive, stream(::Gitaly::SSHUploadArchiveRequest), stream(::Gitaly::SSHUploadArchiveResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/transaction_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/transaction_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: transaction.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("transaction.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.VoteTransactionRequest" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/transaction_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/transaction_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ module Gitaly
-   module RefTransaction
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.RefTransaction'
--      rpc :VoteTransaction, Gitaly::VoteTransactionRequest, Gitaly::VoteTransactionResponse
--      rpc :StopTransaction, Gitaly::StopTransactionRequest, Gitaly::StopTransactionResponse
-+      rpc :VoteTransaction, ::Gitaly::VoteTransactionRequest, ::Gitaly::VoteTransactionResponse
-+      rpc :StopTransaction, ::Gitaly::StopTransactionRequest, ::Gitaly::StopTransactionResponse
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/wiki_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/wiki_pb.rb
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
- # source: wiki.proto
--require 'google/protobuf'
- require 'lint_pb'
- require 'shared_pb'
-+require 'google/protobuf'
- do
-   add_file("wiki.proto", :syntax => :proto3) do
-     add_message "gitaly.WikiCommitDetails" do
---- ruby/proto/gitaly/wiki_services_pb.rb.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
-+++ ruby/proto/gitaly/wiki_services_pb.rb
-@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ module Gitaly
-   module WikiService
-     class Service
--      include GRPC::GenericService
-+      include ::GRPC::GenericService
-       self.marshal_class_method = :encode
-       self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
-       self.service_name = 'gitaly.WikiService'
--      rpc :WikiWritePage, stream(Gitaly::WikiWritePageRequest), Gitaly::WikiWritePageResponse
--      rpc :WikiUpdatePage, stream(Gitaly::WikiUpdatePageRequest), Gitaly::WikiUpdatePageResponse
-+      rpc :WikiWritePage, stream(::Gitaly::WikiWritePageRequest), ::Gitaly::WikiWritePageResponse
-+      rpc :WikiUpdatePage, stream(::Gitaly::WikiUpdatePageRequest), ::Gitaly::WikiUpdatePageResponse
-       # WikiFindPage returns a stream because the page's raw_data field may be arbitrarily large.
--      rpc :WikiFindPage, Gitaly::WikiFindPageRequest, stream(Gitaly::WikiFindPageResponse)
--      rpc :WikiGetAllPages, Gitaly::WikiGetAllPagesRequest, stream(Gitaly::WikiGetAllPagesResponse)
--      rpc :WikiListPages, Gitaly::WikiListPagesRequest, stream(Gitaly::WikiListPagesResponse)
-+      rpc :WikiFindPage, ::Gitaly::WikiFindPageRequest, stream(::Gitaly::WikiFindPageResponse)
-+      rpc :WikiGetAllPages, ::Gitaly::WikiGetAllPagesRequest, stream(::Gitaly::WikiGetAllPagesResponse)
-+      rpc :WikiListPages, ::Gitaly::WikiListPagesRequest, stream(::Gitaly::WikiListPagesResponse)
-     end
-     Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class
diff --git a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-Makefile b/devel/gitaly/files/patch-Makefile
index bd391cfd859d..4731a17756d7 100644
--- a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-Makefile
+++ b/devel/gitaly/files/patch-Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---- Makefile.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
+--- Makefile.orig	2022-01-21 10:20:57 UTC
 +++ Makefile
-@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ help:
+@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ help:
  .PHONY: build
  ## Build Go binaries and install required Ruby Gems.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  	@ # We used to install Gitaly binaries into the source directory by default when executing
  	@ # "make" or "make all", which has been changed in v14.5 to only build binaries into
  	@ # `_build/bin`. In order to quickly fail in case any source install still refers to these
-@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ libgit2: ${LIBGIT2_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libgit2.a
+@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ libgit2: ${LIBGIT2_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libgit2.a
  # step. Both Omnibus and CNG assume it is in the Gitaly root, not in
  # _build. Hence the '../' in front.
  ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle: ${GITALY_RUBY_DIR}/Gemfile.lock ${GITALY_RUBY_DIR}/Gemfile
@@ -18,12 +18,3 @@
  	${Q}touch $@
-@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ ${TOOLS_DIR}/ TOOL_VERSION = ${PROTOC_VERSI
- ${TOOLS_DIR}/ ${TOOLS_DIR}/protoc.version
- 	${Q}if [ -z "${PROTOC_URL}" ]; then echo "Cannot generate protos on unsupported platform ${OS}" && exit 1; fi
- 	curl -o $@.tmp --silent --show-error -L ${PROTOC_URL}
--	${Q}printf '${PROTOC_HASH}  $@.tmp' | sha256sum -c -
-+	${Q}printf '${PROTOC_HASH}  $@.tmp' | sha256 -c -
- 	${Q}mv $@.tmp $@
diff --git a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-ruby_Gemfile b/devel/gitaly/files/patch-ruby_Gemfile
index d5e26d0f4701..925a7bf48676 100644
--- a/devel/gitaly/files/patch-ruby_Gemfile
+++ b/devel/gitaly/files/patch-ruby_Gemfile
@@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
---- ruby/Gemfile.orig	2021-12-21 14:02:19 UTC
+--- ruby/Gemfile.orig	2022-01-21 10:20:57 UTC
 +++ ruby/Gemfile
-@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ source ''
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ source ''
  gem 'rugged', '~> 1.2'
*** 72 LINES SKIPPED ***