Re: git: 9b869a4c17db - main - editors/neovim: Update to 0.6.0 and switch lua backend

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 06:44:27 UTC
Am 02.12.2021 um 04:20 schrieb Adam Weinberger:
>      editors/neovim: Update to 0.6.0 and switch lua backend
>      0.6.0 is an interval update that refines and extends the major lua
>      overhaul of 0.5.0.
>      Instead of using options for luajit vs PUC (mainline) lua, use
>      luajit-openresty unconditionally. devel/luv needs to use the same
>      backend as NeoVIM, so this commit switches it too.

this breaks the usage together with mail/rspamd.
Do you think it is possible to fix this conflict (as both ports are 
installing files into same location).



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