Re: git: 097770c474d4 - main - Mk/ Change default version of Ruby

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 09:38:40 UTC
Am 16.03.2023 um 10:33 schrieb Yasuhiro Kimura:
> Googling with this error message lists following pages.
> (a) ruby on rails - visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias: Unknown alias: default (Psych::BadAlias) - Stack Overflow
> (b) Defect #35435: Psych 4: aliases in database.yml cause Psych::BadAlias exception - Redmine
> (c) Psych 4 included in Ruby 3.1 complains when using aliases in config · Issue #5140 · sidekiq/sidekiq
> According to them,
> 1. In Ruby 3.1 Psych is updated to 4.
> 2. There is incompatibility between Psych 3 and Psych 4.
> 3. To make program work with both Psych 3 and 4, a bit complex
>     handling such as one written in first answer of (a) is necessary.
> 4. One workaround is to add "gem 'psych', '~> 3.1'" to gemfile.

thanks a lot, I have now a working setup and already pushed the fix.



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