Re: git: 61e4a788ecab - main - ports-mgmt/dialog4ports: mark as deprecated and broken on current

From: Alexander Leidinger <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:44:21 UTC
Am 2023-12-21 16:51, schrieb Baptiste Daroussin:

> As for supporting earlier EOLed versions of freebsd the issue probably 
> stands
> in the version of ncurses and how it is used by libbsddialog, probably 
> something
> that it is not worth investigated, of course if the people interested 
> in having

It also highly depends on the font you use. If I look at it it in a 
PuTTY session which uses the Terminus font (note 3 software pieces 
involved here, the FreeBSD (n)curses or whatever is used as the 
line-drawing-ouput-software (and it depends on the "TERM" config in the 
shell), the PuTTY terminal emulator as a render device (and whever you 
configure in Window->Translation), and the font which you could think of 
as a "theme" in this case), it looks different than with the Consolas 
font or the Source Code Pro font (Terminus doesn't produce lines/bars, 
you clearly see every character, whereas the other two fonts have 
uninterrupted lines). And on the FreeBSD console it may look differently 


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