Re: git: a9fab6656cc8 - main - zope ports: remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself

From: Ruslan Makhmatkhanov <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:05:06 UTC
<div>Fixed in ce4a9c438d2c80e2625d207bdc9b52861ea62288. Sorry for the mess.</div><div> </div><div>27.08.2023, 18:53, "Moin Rahman" &lt;;:</div><blockquote><p>This breaks INDEX with<br /><br />make_index: /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default/devel/py-zope.configuration: no entry for /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default/textproc/py-zope.i18nmessageid<br /><br /> </p><blockquote class="210e7a848e8fcb45wmi-quote"> On Aug 27, 2023, at 1:09 PM, Ruslan Makhmatkhanov &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; wrote:<br /> <br /> The branch main has been updated by rm:<br /> <br /> URL: <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> commit a9fab6656cc8b301a235c967ed2459adb58f346b<br /> Author:     Ruslan Makhmatkhanov &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br /> AuthorDate: <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27 11</span>:07:57 +0000<br /> Commit:     Ruslan Makhmatkhanov &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br /> CommitDate: <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27 11</span>:08:40 +0000<br /> <br />    zope ports: remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> <br />    With hat:   zope<br /> ---<br /> MOVED                                           |  21 ++<br /> devel/Makefile                                  |  22 --<br /> devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/Makefile               |  24 --<br /> devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/distinfo               |   2 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/files/patch-2to3       |  11 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/pkg-descr              |   1 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.batching/Makefile                  |  21 --<br /> devel/py-z3c.batching/distinfo                  |   2 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.batching/pkg-descr                 |   2 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/Makefile                  |  23 --<br /> devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/distinfo                  |   2 -<br /> devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/pkg-descr                 |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zc.buildout/Makefile                   |  19 --<br /> devel/py-zc.buildout/distinfo                   |   3 -<br /> devel/py-zc.buildout/pkg-descr                  |   4 -<br /> devel/            |  22 --<br /> devel/            |   2 -<br /> devel/           |   1 -<br /> devel/             |  28 --<br /> devel/             |   2 -<br /> devel/            |   1 -<br /> devel/               |  22 --<br /> devel/               |   2 -<br /> devel/              |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zope.broken/Makefile                   |  20 --<br /> devel/py-zope.broken/distinfo                   |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.broken/pkg-descr                  |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.browserresource/Makefile          |  31 --<br /> devel/py-zope.browserresource/distinfo          |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.browserresource/files/patch-2to3  |  20 --<br /> devel/py-zope.browserresource/pkg-descr         |   3 -<br /> devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/Makefile         |  18 --<br /> devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/distinfo         |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/files/patch-2to3 |  11 -<br /> devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/pkg-descr        |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zope.contentprovider/Makefile          |  26 --<br /> devel/py-zope.contentprovider/distinfo          |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.contentprovider/pkg-descr         |   5 -<br /> devel/py-zope.copy/Makefile                     |  20 --<br /> devel/py-zope.copy/distinfo                     |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.copy/pkg-descr                    |   4 -<br /> devel/py-zope.datetime/Makefile                 |  18 --<br /> devel/py-zope.datetime/distinfo                 |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3         | 167 ----------<br /> devel/py-zope.datetime/pkg-descr                |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.deferredimport/Makefile           |  20 --<br /> devel/py-zope.deferredimport/distinfo           |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.deferredimport/files/patch-2to3   |  55 ----<br /> devel/py-zope.deferredimport/pkg-descr          |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.dottedname/Makefile               |  20 --<br /> devel/py-zope.dottedname/distinfo               |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.dottedname/pkg-descr              |   3 -<br /> devel/py-zope.filerepresentation/Makefile       |  21 --<br /> devel/py-zope.filerepresentation/distinfo       |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.filerepresentation/pkg-descr      |   4 -<br /> devel/py-zope.generations/Makefile              |  23 --<br /> devel/py-zope.generations/distinfo              |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.generations/files/patch-2to3      |  22 --<br /> devel/py-zope.generations/pkg-descr             |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zope.lifecycleevent/Makefile           |  22 --<br /> devel/py-zope.lifecycleevent/distinfo           |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.lifecycleevent/pkg-descr          |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zope.processlifetime/Makefile          |  22 --<br /> devel/py-zope.processlifetime/distinfo          |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.processlifetime/pkg-descr         |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.sequencesort/Makefile             |  18 --<br /> devel/py-zope.sequencesort/distinfo             |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.sequencesort/files/patch-2to3     |  45 ---<br /> devel/py-zope.sequencesort/pkg-descr            |   1 -<br /> devel/py-zope.size/Makefile                     |  21 --<br /> devel/py-zope.size/distinfo                     |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.size/files/patch-2to3             |  78 -----<br /> devel/py-zope.size/pkg-descr                    |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.tales/Makefile                    |  23 --<br /> devel/py-zope.tales/distinfo                    |   2 -<br /> devel/py-zope.tales/files/patch-2to3            | 393 ------------------------<br /> devel/py-zope.tales/pkg-descr                   |   1 -<br /> 77 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 1396 deletions(-)<br /> <br /> diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED<br /> index 4993d124d7d1..a8062e51a<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">648 100644</span><br /> --- a/MOVED<br /> +++ b/MOVED<br /> @@ -7801,3 +7801,24 @@ irc/birch||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-25</span>|Has expired: Upstream no longer maintained<br /> net-im/6cord||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-25</span>|Has expired: Upstream no longer maintained<br /> devel/py-gpep517||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-26</span>|Remove obsoleted port. It is no longer needed after Python 3.7 removal<br /> devel/py-rapidfuzz2|devel/py-rapidfuzz|<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-26</span>|Remove obsoleted port. Use devel/py-rapidfuzz instead<br /> +devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zc.buildout||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-z3c.autoinclude||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.dottedname||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.broken||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.browserresource||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.contentprovider||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.copy||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.datetime||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.deferredimport||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.filerepresentation||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.generations||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.lifecycleevent||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.processlifetime||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.sequencesort||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.size||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> +devel/py-zope.tales||<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2023-08-27</span>|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself<br /> diff --git a/devel/Makefile b/devel/Makefile<br /> index 3f772fcc3c47..4b33775dd6d<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">5 100644</span><br /> --- a/devel/Makefile<br /> +++ b/devel/Makefile<br /> @@ -5835,47 +5835,25 @@<br />     SUBDIR += py-yg.lockfile<br />     SUBDIR += py-ypy-websocket<br />     SUBDIR += py-yunomi<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-z3c.autoinclude<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-z3c.batching<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-z3c.zcmlhook<br />     SUBDIR += py-zarr<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zc.buildout<br />     SUBDIR += py-zclockfile<br />     SUBDIR += py-zconfig<br />     SUBDIR += py-zfp<br />     SUBDIR += py-zict<br />     SUBDIR += py-zipp<br /> -    SUBDIR +=<br /> -    SUBDIR +=<br /> -    SUBDIR +=<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.broken<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.browser<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.browserresource<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.cachedescriptors<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.component<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.configuration<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.contentprovider<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.contenttype<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.copy<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.datetime<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.deferredimport<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.deprecation<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.dottedname<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.event<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.exceptions<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.filerepresentation<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.generations<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.globalrequest<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.i18n<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.interface<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.lifecycleevent<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.location<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.processlifetime<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.publisher<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.schema<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.sequencesort<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.size<br /> -    SUBDIR += py-zope.tales<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.testbrowser<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.testing<br />     SUBDIR += py-zope.traversing<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/Makefile b/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 0355fbcacd87..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	z3c.autoinclude<br /> -PORTVERSION=	0.3.6<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Automatically include ZCML<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.dottedname&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.dottedname@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.configuration&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.configuration@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zc.buildout&gt;=0:devel/py-zc.buildout@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -NO_ARCH=	yes<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	autoplist distutils<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/distinfo b/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 35481d9add5b..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/z3c.autoinclude-0.3.6.tar.gz) = 2e4e0ff2ff<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">827642603</span>a4dfffcf376f7869ccd3e66ee25c211115e7866f81e41<br /> -SIZE (zope/z3c.autoinclude-0.3.6.tar.gz) = 23394<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/files/patch-2to3<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 6f00467ae26f..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/files/patch-2to3<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@<br /> ---- src/z3c/autoinclude/	<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2016-01-29 12</span>:30:33 UTC<br /> -+++ src/z3c/autoinclude/<br /> -@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class DependencyFinder(DistributionManager):<br /> -             for dotted_name in dist_manager.dottedNames():<br /> -                 try:<br /> -                     module = resolve(dotted_name)<br /> --                except ImportError, exc:<br /> -+                except ImportError as exc:<br /> -                     logging.getLogger("z3c.autoinclude").warn(<br /> -                         "resolve(%r) raised import error: %s" % (dotted_name, exc))<br /> -                     continue<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/pkg-descr b/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index eed69c38e553..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.autoinclude/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Automatically include ZCML.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.batching/Makefile b/devel/py-z3c.batching/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 0da6fb0b4631..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.batching/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	z3c.batching<br /> -PORTVERSION=	1.1.0<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Simple sequence batching<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.batching/distinfo b/devel/py-z3c.batching/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 28df<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2529392</span>f..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.batching/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/z3c.batching-1.1.0.tar.gz) = a40bebf6a3faec64921f94c583b4fc330b3d8e50e875abd0a8697fef25c281f6<br /> -SIZE (zope/z3c.batching-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 8467<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.batching/pkg-descr b/devel/py-z3c.batching/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 278f39eff878..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.batching/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -This module implements a simple batching mechanism that allows you to split<br /> -a large sequence into smaller batches.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/Makefile b/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 953ae9544e72..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	z3c.zcmlhook<br /> -PORTVERSION=	1.0b1<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Easily hook into the ZCML processing machinery<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.configuration&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.configuration@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/distinfo b/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index d6f1be1fa43a..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/z3c.zcmlhook-1.0b1.tar.gz) = f<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">0456020738</span>a921d68b488c453e76d7dc8b5e8c<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">890593116854</span>f54dfcd3c1302<br /> -SIZE (zope/z3c.zcmlhook-1.0b1.tar.gz) = 5450<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/pkg-descr b/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 7305d2ade903..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-z3c.zcmlhook/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Easily hook into the ZCML processing machinery.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zc.buildout/Makefile b/devel/py-zc.buildout/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index afcd4e4d1454..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zc.buildout/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zc.buildout<br /> -PORTVERSION=	2.11.3<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	System for managing development buildouts<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -LICENSE_FILE=	${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt<br /> -<br /> -NO_ARCH=	yes<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	autoplist distutils<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zc.buildout/distinfo b/devel/py-zc.buildout/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 711b1e68207c..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zc.buildout/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@<br /> -TIMESTAMP = <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">1525268352</span><br /> -SHA256 (zope/zc.buildout-2.11.3.tar.gz) = f7fde2cde7b937f67e52a3e94b76f9294b73c1e9bb698430e96778f3f735544c<br /> -SIZE (zope/zc.buildout-2.11.3.tar.gz) = 163542<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zc.buildout/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zc.buildout/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 44f<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">84894626</span>e..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zc.buildout/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@<br /> -zc.buildout provides support for creating applications, especially Python<br /> -applications. It provides tools for assembling applications from multiple<br /> -parts, Python or otherwise. An application may actually contain multiple<br /> -programs, processes, and configuration settings.<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 1292eae0c1f4..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.5.1<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Zope ZMI Basic Skin<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.publisher&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.publisher@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 2d7693ac9dbd..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = bc9e597fe60b2ebaa5424d1fb74ff621131d394cfa82b1688e08344e133d71b7<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 10638<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 465f91d20234..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Zope ZMI Basic Skin.<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 11a8fdf20d08..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.5.1<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Text Renderer Framework<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}docutils&gt;=0.5:textproc/py-docutils@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}roman&gt;=0:math/py-roman@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.configuration&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.configuration@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.i18nmessageid&gt;=0:textproc/py-zope.i18nmessageid@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.publisher&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.publisher@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.structuredtext&gt;=0:textproc/py-zope.structuredtext@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 30f4389efa03..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = f316f717f30dd28c0b46317eee29dffe3feeefec3096dc4356fa9e242709f51f<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 7669<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 41ea4f788476..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Text Renderer Framework.<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 3c1c38354a24..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.5.0<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Component Architecture based Vocabulary Registry<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 867a3f2f1192..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">160078318460</span>f403db79e5914b95de03d64d3f485b4bd931d183b4ce716ef3c4<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 5586<br /> diff --git a/devel/ b/devel/<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index a74c46bd374e..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Component Architecture based Vocabulary Registry.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.broken/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.broken/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 28d5fdaf4ce3..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.broken/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.broken<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.6.0<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Zope Broken Object Interfaces<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python zip<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.broken/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.broken/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index b6274c1e8249..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.broken/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = b9b<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">8776002</span>da4f7b6b12dfcce77eb642ae62b39586dbf60e1d9bdc992c9f2999<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 7617<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.broken/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.broken/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 819c6184db72..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.broken/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -This package is Zope Broken Object Interfaces and it is obsolete and<br /> -its functionality has been merged into the ZODB3 distribution itself.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.browserresource/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 108bd816c9bf..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.browserresource<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.10.3<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -PORTEPOCH=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Browser resources implementation for Zope<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=3.8.0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.configuration&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.configuration@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.contenttype&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.contenttype@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.i18n&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.i18n@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.location&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.location@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.publisher&gt;=3.8:devel/py-zope.publisher@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.traversing&gt;3.7:devel/py-zope.traversing@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python zip<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -NO_ARCH=	yes<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.browserresource/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index a<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">6914480</span>b60a..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = 95ca1648ab53b43e9c1d728e075e7fdc4ec3e7533c00cf21b6c28bf<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">43011112</span>f<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 43274<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-zope.browserresource/files/patch-2to3<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 9c237afe883f..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/files/patch-2to3<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@<br /> ---- src/zope/browserresource/	<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2009-08-25 05</span>:54:46 UTC<br /> -+++ src/zope/browserresource/<br /> -@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ class FileResource(BrowserView, Resource):<br /> -             # understand the screwy date string as a lucky side effect<br /> -             # of the way they parse it).<br /> -             try:<br /> --                mod_since = long(mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(header)))<br /> -+                mod_since = int(mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(header)))<br /> -             except:<br /> -                 mod_since = None<br /> -             if mod_since is not None:<br /> -                 if getattr(file, 'lmt', None):<br /> --                    last_mod = long(file.lmt)<br /> -+                    last_mod = int(file.lmt)<br /> -                 else:<br /> --                    last_mod = 0L<br /> -+                    last_mod = 0<br /> -                 if last_mod &gt; 0 and last_mod &lt;= mod_since:<br /> -                     response.setStatus(304)<br /> -                     return ''<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.browserresource/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 6bff12b5a4be..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.browserresource/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@<br /> -This package provides an implementation of browser resources.<br /> -It also provides directives for defining those resources using<br /> -ZCML.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 539df24d855f..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.cachedescriptors<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.5.1<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Method and property caching decorators<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python zip<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index eb7cc3efcad9..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/ = 6a37062ce6b<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">17029521155</span>d3301a3df2bf05ebd6a8ee0477a031435a4a2af3d0<br /> -SIZE (zope/ = 17822<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/files/patch-2to3<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 0cc<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">551192028</span>..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/files/patch-2to3<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@<br /> ---- src/zope/cachedescriptors/	<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2007-05-09 07</span>:11:30 UTC<br /> -+++ src/zope/cachedescriptors/<br /> -@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ See the CachedProperty class.<br /> - $Id: <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">75652 2007-05-09 13</span>:11:30Z zagy $<br /> - """<br /> -<br /> --ncaches = 0l<br /> -+ncaches = 0<br /> -<br /> -<br /> - class CachedProperty(object):<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 0e14251c16bd..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.cachedescriptors/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1 +0,0 @@<br /> -Method and property caching decorators.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index a473f20a6e4b..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.contentprovider<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.7.2<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Content Provider Framework for Zope Templates<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.component&gt;=3.8.0:devel/py-zope.component@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.event&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.event@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.location&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.location@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.publisher&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.publisher@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.schema&gt;=3.5.1dev:devel/py-zope.schema@${PY_FLAVOR} \<br /> -		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.tales&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.tales@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index b054dbde3d00..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/zope.contentprovider-3.7.2.tar.gz) = 672fbb<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">3922974</span>b1c23bad605e020c10ff5ca31c44abf45ac9cd08cbbecab3432<br /> -SIZE (zope/zope.contentprovider-3.7.2.tar.gz) = 26596<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index a352f4e613a7..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.contentprovider/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@<br /> -This package provides a framework to develop componentized Web<br /> -GUI applications. Instead of describing the content of a page<br /> -using a single template or static system of templates and METAL<br /> -macros, content provider objects are dynamically looked up based<br /> -on the setup/configuration of the application.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.copy/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.copy/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 4368ce1acda4..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.copy/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.copy<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.5.0<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Pluggable object copying mechanism<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface&gt;=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR}<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.copy/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.copy/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index c692bf112e75..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.copy/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/zope.copy-3.5.0.tar.gz) = 2e95fa<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">032946898</span>a6e689bc48fa3444b0be1861c11545bf710431d8f9195a7fd<br /> -SIZE (zope/zope.copy-3.5.0.tar.gz) = 9821<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.copy/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.copy/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">897485578</span>b20..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.copy/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@<br /> -This package provides a pluggable way to copy persistent objects.<br /> -It was once extracted from the zc.copy package to contain much<br /> -less dependencies. In fact, we only depend on zope.interface to<br /> -provide pluggability.<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.datetime/Makefile b/devel/py-zope.datetime/Makefile<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">107920914004</span>..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.datetime/Makefile<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@<br /> -PORTNAME=	zope.datetime<br /> -PORTVERSION=	3.4.1<br /> -PORTREVISION=	1<br /> -CATEGORIES=	devel python zope<br /> -MASTER_SITES=	PYPI<br /> -PKGNAMEPREFIX=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}<br /> -DIST_SUBDIR=	zope<br /> -<br /> -MAINTAINER=	<a href=""></a><br /> -COMMENT=	Commonly used date and time related utility functions<br /> -WWW=		<a href=""></a><br /> -<br /> -LICENSE=	ZPL21<br /> -<br /> -USES=		python<br /> -USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist<br /> -<br /> -.include &lt;;<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.datetime/distinfo b/devel/py-zope.datetime/distinfo<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">8909844</span>d3365..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.datetime/distinfo<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> -SHA256 (zope/zope.datetime-3.4.1.tar.gz) = 373b8ed926ba18e2cf17e72011f7cecb0c4c35bbd0ede6cc0426e2e6e9b9c5b2<br /> -SIZE (zope/zope.datetime-3.4.1.tar.gz) = 34171<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 085d5e1234e9..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@<br /> ---- src/zope/datetime/	<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2011-11-29 16</span>:29:14 UTC<br /> -+++ src/zope/datetime/<br /> -@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ i=int(yr-1)<br /> - to_year =int(i*365+i/4-i/100+i/<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">400-693960</span>.0)<br /> - to_month=tm[yr%4==0 and (yr%100!=0 or yr%400==0)][mo]<br /> - EPOCH  =(to_year+to_month+dy+(hr/24.0+mn/1440.0+sc/86400.0))*86400<br /> --jd1901 =<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2415385</span>L<br /> -+jd1901 =<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2415385</span><br /> -<br /> -<br /> - numericTimeZoneMatch=re.compile(r'[+-][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').match #TS<br /> -@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class _cache:<br /> -<br /> -     def __init__(self):<br /> -         self._db = _data<br /> --        self._d, self._zidx= {}, self._zmap.keys()<br /> -+        self._d, self._zidx= {}, list(self._zmap.keys())<br /> -<br /> -     def __getitem__(self,k):<br /> -         try:   n=self._zmap[k.lower()]<br /> -@@ -337,28 +337,28 @@ def _calcDependentSecond(tz, t):<br /> -     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)<br /> -     # from the timezone-independent second.<br /> -     fset = _tzoffset(tz, t)<br /> --    return fset + long(math.floor(t)) + long(EPOCH) - 86400L<br /> -+    return fset + int(math.floor(t)) + int(EPOCH) - 86400<br /> -<br /> - def _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc):<br /> -     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)<br /> -     # from the date given.<br /> -     ss = int(hr) * 3600 + int(mn) * 60 + int(sc)<br /> --    x = long(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss<br /> -+    x = int(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss<br /> -     return x<br /> -<br /> - def _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms):<br /> -     # Derive the timezone-independent second from the timezone<br /> -     # dependent second.<br /> -     fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(tz, 0.0)<br /> --    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms<br /> -+    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms<br /> -     # nearTime is now within an hour of being correct.<br /> -     # Recalculate t according to DST.<br /> --    fset = long(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))<br /> -+    fset = int(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))<br /> -     x_adjusted = x - fset + ms<br /> -     d = x_adjusted / 86400.0<br /> --    t = x_adjusted - long(EPOCH) + 86400L<br /> -+    t = x_adjusted - int(EPOCH) + 86400<br /> -     millis = (x + 86400 - fset) * 1000 + \<br /> --             long(ms * 1000.0) - long(EPOCH * 1000.0)<br /> -+             int(ms * 1000.0) - int(EPOCH * 1000.0)<br /> -     s = d - math.floor(d)<br /> -     return s,d,t,millis<br /> -<br /> -@@ -382,34 +382,34 @@ def _calcYMDHMS(x, ms):<br /> -     return yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc<br /> -<br /> - def _julianday(yr,mo,dy):<br /> --    y,m,d=long(yr),long(mo),long(dy)<br /> --    if m &gt; 12L:<br /> --        y=y+m/12L<br /> --        m=m%12L<br /> --    elif m &lt; 1L:<br /> -+    y,m,d=int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)<br /> -+    if m &gt; 12:<br /> -+        y=y+m/12<br /> -+        m=m%12<br /> -+    elif m &lt; 1:<br /> -         m=-m<br /> --        y=y-m/12L-1L<br /> --        m=12L-m%12L<br /> --    if y &gt; 0L: yr_correct=0L<br /> --    else:      yr_correct=3L<br /> --    if m &lt; 3L: y, m=y-1L,m+12L<br /> --    if y*10000L+m*100L+d &gt; <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">15821014</span>L: b=2L-y/100L+y/400L<br /> --    else: b=0L<br /> --    return (1461L*y-yr_correct)/4L+306001L*(m+1L)/10000L+d<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">+1720994</span>L+b<br /> -+        y=y-m/12-1<br /> -+        m=12-m%12<br /> -+    if y &gt; 0: yr_correct=0<br /> -+    else:      yr_correct=3<br /> -+    if m &lt; 3: y, m=y-1,m+12<br /> -+    if y*10000+m*100+d &gt; <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">15821014</span>: b=2-y/100+y/400<br /> -+    else: b=0<br /> -+    return (1461*y-yr_correct)/4+306001*(m+1)/10000+d<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">+1720994</span>+b<br /> -<br /> - def _calendarday(j):<br /> --    j=long(j)<br /> --    if(j &lt; <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2299160</span>L):<br /> --        b=j+1525L<br /> -+    j=int(j)<br /> -+    if(j &lt; <span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2299160</span>):<br /> -+        b=j+1525<br /> -     else:<br /> --        a=(4L*j-<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">7468861</span>L)/146097L<br /> --        b=j+1526L+a-a/4L<br /> --    c=(20L*b-2442L)/7305L<br /> --    d=1461L*c/4L<br /> --    e=10000L*(b-d)/306001L<br /> --    dy=int(b-d-306001L*e/10000L)<br /> --    mo=(e &lt; 14L) and int(e-1L) or int(e-13L)<br /> --    yr=(mo &gt; 2) and (c-4716L) or (c-4715L)<br /> -+        a=(4*j-<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">7468861</span>)/146097<br /> -+        b=j+1526+a-a/4<br /> -+    c=(20*b-2442)/7305<br /> -+    d=1461*c/4<br /> -+    e=10000*(b-d)/306001<br /> -+    dy=int(b-d-306001*e/10000)<br /> -+    mo=(e &lt; 14) and int(e-1) or int(e-13)<br /> -+    yr=(mo &gt; 2) and (c-4716) or (c-4715)<br /> -     return int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)<br /> -<br /> - def _tzoffset(tz, t):<br /> -@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ class DateTimeParser:<br /> -         if not self._multipleZones:<br /> -             return self._localzone0<br /> -         fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(self._localzone0, 0.0)<br /> --        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms<br /> -+        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms<br /> -         # nearTime is within an hour of being correct.<br /> -         try:<br /> -             ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)<br /> -@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ class DateTimeParser:<br /> -             yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, 0)<br /> -             yr = ((yr - 1970) % 28) + 1970<br /> -             x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)<br /> --            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms<br /> -+            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms<br /> -             ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)<br /> -         tz = self.localZone(ltm)<br /> -         return tz<br /> ---- src/zope/datetime/	<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">2011-11-29 16</span>:29:14 UTC<br /> -+++ src/zope/datetime/<br /> -@@ -1178,23 +1178,23 @@ historical_zone_info = {<!-- --><br /> -<br /> - def dumpTimezoneInfo(_data):<br /> -<br /> --    print "historical_zone_info = {"<br /> -+    print("historical_zone_info = {")<br /> -<br /> --    items = _data.items()<br /> -+    items = list(_data.items())<br /> -     items.sort()<br /> -     for key, value in items:<br /> -         v1, v2, v3, ilist, bitmap, two_by_three, two_nullterm = value<br /> --        print "'%s': ('%s', %s, %s," % (key, v1, v2, v3)<br /> --        print "[",<br /> -+        print("'%s': ('%s', %s, %s," % (key, v1, v2, v3))<br /> -+        print("[", end=' ')<br /> -         while ilist:<br /> -             next_5, ilist = ilist[:5], ilist[5:]<br /> -             line = ", ".join(["'%s'" % x for x in next_5])<br /> --            print "%s," % line<br /> --        print "], "<br /> --        print "%s," % repr(bitmap)<br /> --        print "%s, %s)," % (repr(two_by_three), repr(two_nullterm))<br /> -+            print("%s," % line)<br /> -+        print("], ")<br /> -+        print("%s," % repr(bitmap))<br /> -+        print("%s, %s)," % (repr(two_by_three), repr(two_nullterm)))<br /> -<br /> --    print "}"<br /> -+    print("}")<br /> -<br /> - if __name__ == '__main__':<br /> -     dumpTimezoneInfo(historical_zone_info)<br /> diff --git a/devel/py-zope.datetime/pkg-descr b/devel/py-zope.datetime/pkg-descr<br /> deleted file mode 100644<br /> index 99d2ceda8e68..<span class="1f1ea193f6735cf0wmi-callto">000000000000</span><br /> --- a/devel/py-zope.datetime/pkg-descr<br /> +++ /dev/null<br /> @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@<br /> *** 1012 LINES SKIPPED ***<br /></blockquote></blockquote><div> </div><div> </div><div>-- </div><div>Regards,</div><div>Ruslan</div><div> </div>