Re: git: 00e15405660f - main - textproc/html2text: Update CONFLICTS

From: Alexey Dokuchaev <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:33:51 UTC
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 08:25:13PM +0200, Stefan Esser wrote:
> Am 27.10.21 um 11:00 schrieb Alexey Dokuchaev:
> >> ...
> >> -CONFLICTS=	py27-html2text-[0-9]*
> >> +CONFLICTS=	py*-html2text-[0-9]*
> > 
> > I recal, last time I've tried to specify a conflict without the -[0-9]*
> > suffix and it worked as expected.  Are those really necessary in default
> > "all versions" case?
> And quite a few CONFLICTS specifications should actually be
> CONFLICTS_INSTALL. But it takes a lot of work to check whether there
> really is a build conflict for each of the combinations...

I'm not sure if CONFLICTS alone is justified, and why can't we always
use correct CONFLICTS_$TYPE.  Checking if CONFLICTS should really be
CONFLICTS_INSTALL could be automated, or so it seems at least for cases
when prerequisite are met, by comparing pkg-plists of ports in question.

CONFLICTS_BUILD are tougher; whenever I added one, it was as a result
of stumbling across local build problem and wondering why it does not
happen on the cluster, i.e. in pristine environment.

Overall, many good points Stefan, nice write up.  So that even if you
won't pick up on this task, someone might now that you've made it less
of an uncharted territory.
