FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #21749 - Still Unstable

From: <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:15:25 UTC
FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #21749 (97ffaff85968d09f2319156cb0ef56743667db6e) - Still Unstable

Build information:
Full change log:
Full build log:

Status explanation:
"Unstable" - some tests are suspected being broken by the following changes
"Still Unstable" - the failing test cases have not been fixed by these
                   following changes and this is a notification to note that
                   these changes have not been fully tested by the CI system

Change summaries:
(Those commits are likely but not certainly responsible)

2717e958df537b2885fdf42635d7b9dc793719b2 by melifaro:
routing: move route expiration time to its nexthop

97ffaff85968d09f2319156cb0ef56743667db6e by melifaro:
net: constantify radix.c functions

The failed test cases:

1 tests failed.
FAILED:  sys.kern.unix_passfd_dgram.rights_creds_payload

Error Message:
/usr/src/tests/sys/kern/unix_passfd_test.c:260: recvmsg: expected MSG_TRUNC missing