ZFS on FreeBSD 11.3 slower than 10.4

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at klop.ws
Fri Jun 5 20:57:20 UTC 2020

On Sat, 30 May 2020 23:29:48 +0200, Miroslav Lachman <000.fbsd at quip.cz>  

> On 2020-05-30 22:10, Ronald Klop wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 May 2020 21:44:03 +0200, Miroslav Lachman <000.fbsd at quip.cz>  
>> wrote:
>>> I upgraded my old desktop computer few month ago from old 10.4 based  
>>> PC-BSD to stock FreeBSD 11.3. It uses single 2TB HDD 7200rpm.
>>> My problem is that upgraded version is really slow and some desktop  
>>> applications are very lagging (playing multimedia is interrupted for a  
>>> fraction of seconds) when there is heavy filesystem activity.
>>> I am using zfsnap2 for taking snapshots periodically and when there is  
>>> enough snapshots zfs destroy is called. In this time the user  
>>> experience is terrible. Starting new application like browser or even  
>>> something much smaller takes minutes. The old version based on FreeBSD  
>>> 10.4 behaves much better. I used the old version for years and never  
>>> have problems with interrupted multimedia playback.
>>> Are there some sysctls to tune to get better desktop interactivity in  
>>> heavy filesystem operations like zfs destroy, pkg check or other  
>>> "find" periodic scripts?
>> How full is the disk? ZFS has poor performance if the disk becomes full.
>> What is in /etc/sysctl.conf and /boot/loader.conf?
>> And did you try to boot 12.1 and did it have the same behavious?
> It is currently 77% full. But it is the same pool with the same capacity  
> as with 10.4.
> I didn't try 12.1, I need to stay on 11.3 for now.
> ## loader.conf
> nvidia_load="YES"
> drm_load="YES"
> drm2_load="YES"
> iicbus_load="YES"
> vboxdrv_load="YES"
> crypto_load="YES"
> aesni_load="YES"
> geom_eli_load="YES"
> vfs.zfs.arc_max="1024M"
> zfs_load="YES"
> iicbus_load="YES"
> ## sysctl.conf
> kern.coredump=0
> kern.maxfiles=49312
> vfs.usermount=1
> security.jail.allow_raw_sockets=1
> security.jail.sysvipc_allowed=1
> security.jail.mount_allowed=1
> security.jail.chflags_allowed=1
> hw.syscons.bell=0
> kern.sched.preempt_thresh=224
> kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed=1
> kern.shutdown.poweroff_delay=500
> kern.bootfile=/boot/kernel/kernel
> hw.usb.no_shutdown_wait=1
> hw.snd.default_unit=3
> kern.sched.interact=10
> vfs.aio.max_aio_per_proc=256
> vfs.aio.max_aio_queue=8192
> vfs.aio.max_aio_queue_per_proc=1024
> vfs.aio.max_buf_aio=64
> net.local.stream.recvspace=65536
> net.local.stream.sendspace=65536
> loader.conf and sysctl.conf are the same for 10.4 and 11.3 but 11.3 is  
> much much slower when it comes to heavy IO like "find" daily periodic  
> scripts, zfs destroy, starting new applications etc.
> Kind regards
> Miroslav Lachman

I don't have anything I see which I'm sure will fix things, but you could  
try to remove/comment some of these sysctls to see if 11.3 has better  
defaults now.
kern.sched.preempt_thresh, kern.maxfiles, kern.sched.interact, vfs.aio.*

What kind of machine is it? CPU, MEM?
What does gstat say about the saturation of the disk?


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