zpool status question

Daryl Richards daryl at isletech.net
Sun Apr 12 19:26:44 UTC 2020

Hello list,

I recently needed to add more storage to my pool and to get around the 
ashift problem of my old pool I made a new one on new drives and did a 
send->receive to copy my data. Everything went fine with the copy, but 
now when I do a zpool status, it takes about 15 minutes to show the 
status of the new pool. It takes about 5 minutes to show the first line 
(name of pool, then top level vdev), and then about 3 minutes per device 
after that. (4 drive raidz1). Everything shows ONLINE when done, no 
errors or timeouts show up in dmesg, nothing. It just takes a long time 
to display status.. Getting status of the other pools (zroot, and old 
array) is instantaneous.

I'm just being overly cautious before I export the old array and import 
the new one as my main one.. I'm on FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE

Any ideas? Thanks!

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