RFC: should an incremental reload of exports for mountd be optional?

Peter Eriksson pen at lysator.liu.se
Mon Jun 3 22:15:39 UTC 2019

My vote goes to:

Enabled by default (with an option to disable it in case problems pop up).

- Peter

> On 31 May 2019, at 23:50, Rick Macklem <rmacklem at uoguelph.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created a patch for PR#237860 that improves the time it takes to reload
> the exports file(s) for an NFS file server from seconds->milliseconds by only doing
> system calls for the changes to the exports file(s). (Assumes each reload includes
> changes to only a small fraction of the entries.)
> I made it a non-default option of "-I", but asomers@ asked why it needed to be
> optional.
> Basically, I made it optional because I felt the patch might still be buggy and not
> handle some case of an exports file change that I missed.
> However, I can see the argument of making it non-optional (or optional but enabled
> by default) so that sysadmins don't need to add "-I" to avoid long periods where the
> nfsd threads are suspended.
> If it is broken, the deamon would need to be restarted to do a full reload, but that
> would also be the case if a sysadmin specified the "-I" option.
> So, the question is... "do you think this should be an option or just always enabled?".
> Thanks , rick
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