boot2 / loader can not check superblock checksum and refuse to boot, but fsck_ffs doesn't see problems

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Thu Nov 1 12:17:47 UTC 2018

 I have NanoBSD image built from head/r339933, which passes all checks
on other system: "fsck_ffs" passes, it could be mounted without
problems, everything could be read.

 But when I try to boot from it, boot2 (or loader?) complains about
failed superblock checksum several times (for each copy?), like this:

Superblock check-hash failed: recorded check-hash 0xcfa0ae67 != computed
check-hash 0x21993fb

 ALL these messages contains SAME "recorded" and "compuded" hashes, so
it doesn't look like corrupted flash.

 Looks like boot2/loader wrongly calculate hash...

// Lev Serebryakov

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