What append when arc full

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Sun Jun 17 02:43:34 UTC 2018

On 15/06/2018 13:43, Shane Ambler wrote:
> On 14/06/2018 15:13, Albert Shih wrote:
>> Le 14/06/2018 à 13:06:07+0930, Shane Ambler a écrit
>>> If you want to keep some ram free for your processes, then you can set
>>> vfs.zfs.arc_max to limit the ram used by ARC. On recent system versions
>>> you can change it dynamically using sysctl or you can set it in
>> "dynamically" .... I though it's only can set at boot time, at least it's
>> what
>>     https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/zfs-advanced.html
> It seems the handbook has dropped behind. The ability to change arc_max
> and arc_min at runtime was merged into stable/10 and stable/11 almost
> two years ago, that means 10.4 and 11.x can do it but 10.3 or older will
> have to be set in /boot/loader.conf

For reference the handbook has now been updated, this had been done some
time ago but doing the commit was overlooked.


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Shane Ambler

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