badsect(8) is gone -- what now?

Bruce Evans brde at
Tue Jul 31 01:04:39 UTC 2018

On Fri, 27 Jul 2018, Robert Clausecker wrote:

> I recently tried to use badsect(8) to salvage a slightly broken disk
> with some janky sectors which the drive doesn't remap but still likes to
> complain about, just to find out that kernel support for badsect(8) is
> no longer available in FreeBSD 11.2.  This is an annoying situation as I
> have no way to stop these sectors from being used otherwise.
> Is there any way the kernel interface for badsect(8) or a utilitiy
> fulfilling a similar purpose is going to come back?  I understand that
> kernel support was removed due to possible misuse of mknod(S_IFMT)
> leading to crashes [1], but there really ought to be some way to mark a
> sector as bad if the disk doesn't want to do it for you.

badsect(8) was removed when I pointed out that removing the kernel support
for it was a bug.  The bug is larger now.

You can hide the bad sectors manually no worse than badsect(8)+fsck
did after first finding them and allocating them in files.  This is
much harder to do systematically than with badsect, but if you just
wait for bad sectors to develop and chmod files to 000 and move them
out of the way (and don't try to recover good sectors in then), the
result is not much different than with badsect.  Root can still read
these files, so there tree walks might stumble over them.  If a bad
sector develops in metdata, then this doesn't work so well, but neither
did badsect.  Most metadata is for inodes and bad sectors for inodes
cannot be handled.

In practice, the slowest part might be finding the bad sectors.  The
whole disk must be read, and i/o on the bad sectors is especially slow
due to retries.  I once remapped bad sectors on mere 30GB and 100GB
disks with a few thousand bad sectors, by reading and writing all
sectors and hoping that the disk reallocated the bad ones (it mostly
did at first on the 30GB disk, and mostly failed on the 80GB disk, but
the 30GB eventually became unusable while the 80GB disk still works
perfectly except for 1 region of ~20GB in the middle).  Bad sectors
must be read and written 1 sector a time to locate them, and this is
already much slower than reading many at a time.  I used dd to locate
problem areas on the disks, and a simple utility do 1-sector reads and
writes in these areas.  The utility prints sector numbers in a form
more useful than kernel or dd error messages.


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