Any plans for EC2 AMIs with RootOnZFS?

Colin Percival cperciva at
Fri Dec 28 01:49:25 UTC 2018

[Adding freebsd-fs in the hope of finding more ZFS people.]

On 12/23/18 3:51 PM, Colin Percival wrote:
> On 12/23/18 7:12 AM, Ben Woods wrote:
>> Is there any plans to provide official FreeBSD AMIs in the AWS Marketplace
>> which use RootOnZFS out of the box?
> Nothing concrete yet, but it's on my radar.  Now that FreeBSD AMIs are being
> published by a separate (release engineering) account, I'm more comfortable
> with working on more "experimental" AMIs.  (And if this turns out to be widely
> useful I'll talk to the release engineering team about adding it to the set
> they publish.)

I've created an experimental FreeBSD 12.0 ZFS AMI in the us-east-1 region:

Since I'm basically a ZFS newbie (I run it on my laptop, but only with the
default setup from the installer, and I've never used any of the fancy ZFS
features) I don't know if I've set everything up properly.  So far I have
one piece of feedback, which is that I should have marked canmount=off for

Can people please try out this AMI and let me know if there's anything else
(ZFS-related) which I should fix?  Some time next week I'll fix whatever
people notice and build AMIs for all the regions.

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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