lockup during zfs destroy

Freddie Cash fjwcash at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 16:27:41 UTC 2017

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:15 AM, javocado <javocado at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to destroy a dense, large filesystem and it's not going well.
> Details:
> - zpool is a raidz3 with 3 x 12 drive vdevs.
> - target filesystem to be destroyed is ~2T with ~63M inodes.
> - OS: FreeBSD 10.3amd with 192 GB of RAM.
> - 120 GB of swap (90GB recently added as swap-on-disk)

​Do you have dedupe enabled on any filesystems in the pool?  Or was it
enabled at any point in the past?

This is a common occurrence when destroying large filesystems or lots of
filesystems/snapshots on pools that have/had dedupe enabled and there's not
enough RAM/L2ARC to contain the DDT.  The system runs out of usable wired
memory​ and locks up.  Adding more RAM and/or being patient with the
boot-wait-lockup-repeat cycle will (usually) eventually allow it to finish
the destroy.

There was a loader.conf tunable (or sysctl) added in the 10.x series that
mitigates this by limiting the number of delete operations that occur in a
transaction group, but I forget the details on it.

Not sure if this affects pools that never had dedupe enabled or not.

(We used to suffer through this at least once a year until we enabled a
delete-oldest-snapshot-before-running-backups process to limit the number
of snapshots.)​

Freddie Cash
fjwcash at gmail.com

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