SMBv1 Deprecation

Matt B theunusualmatt at
Thu Jun 22 19:36:16 UTC 2017

Long time user of FreeBSD here. I have been happily using the mount_smbfs
binary and in my fstab to mount Windows Shares on boot to be used by
various network services house on multiple FreeBSD systems. Sadly, it
appears these connections all use SMBv1 NT1 security to perform the mount
operation. With the new security landscape, post-WannaCry ransomware, in a
mixed-mode environment where all the shares live in Windows, that just
won't do. This has been discussed many times before in the past but there
hasn't been any headway AFAIK. Every other piece of software I have
encountered has moved away from this deprecated network protocol to the far
more secure versions of SMB to perform Windows share operations. As a stop
gap, I have implemented a very rudimentary NFS server advertising shares,
but configuring a Kerberos infrastructure and setting new accounts for each
and every service (not to mention the new permissions nightmares even with
Active Directory) on multiple BSD systems is arduous. Rather, I am
wondering why FreeBSD is behind the ball on the development? The other
Linux based systems I run required a simple addition of the vers=SMB2 flag
to the fstab entry to successfully mount. I understand the code base is
very old for the mount_smbfs, but what is the way forward here? NFS is
simply a workaround as far as I am concerned and every other *nix style
distro seems to play nice with SMB. Is there an ETR on this greatly needed
and long overdue update to mount newer style SMB shares?

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