FreeBSD 11.1 Beta 2 ZFS performance degradation on SSDs

Caza, Aaron Aaron.Caza at
Tue Jun 20 18:50:32 UTC 2017

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Denninger [mailto:karl at]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11:58 AM
> To: freebsd-fs at
> Subject: Re: FreeBSD 11.1 Beta 2 ZFS performance degradation on SSDs
> On 6/20/2017 12:29, Caza, Aaron wrote:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Karl Denninger [mailto:karl at]
> >> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:28 PM
> >> To: freebsd-fs at
> >> Subject: Re: FreeBSD 11.1 Beta 2 ZFS performance degradation on SSDs
> >>
> >> Just one note below...
> >>
> >> On 6/19/2017 19:57, Caza, Aaron wrote:
> >>> Note that file /testdb/test is 16GB, twice the size of ram available =n this system.  The /testdb directory is a ZFS file system with recordsi=e=8k, chosen as ultimately it's intended to host a PostgreSQL database=which uses an 8k page size.
> >> Do not make this assumption blindly.  Yes, I know the docs say to set
> >> recordsize=8k but this is something you need to benchmark against
> >> yo=r actual working data set.
> >>
> >> MANY Postgres workloads are MUCH faster (2x or more!) if you use a
> >> default page size and lz4 compression -- including one I have in
> >> production and have extensively benchmarked.  The difference is NOT sm=ll..
> >> ....
> >>
> >> zroot/ticker  compressratio         1.53x                         -
> >> zroot/ticker  mounted               yes                           -
> >> zroot/ticker  quota                 none                          defa=lt
> >> zroot/ticker  reservation           none                          defa=lt
> >> zroot/ticker  recordsize            128K                          defa=lt
> >> zroot/ticker  mountpoint            /usr/local/pgsql/data-ticker  loca=
> >> zroot/ticker  sharenfs              off                           defa=lt
> >> zroot/ticker  checksum              fletcher4
> >> inherited from zroot
> >> zroot/ticker  compression           lz4
> >> inherited from zroot
> >> zroot/ticker  atime                 off
> >> inherited from zroot
> >>
> >> You may also want to consider setting logbias=throughput.  In some
> >> c=ses the improvement there can be quite material as well --
> >> depending on th= insert/update traffic to the database in question.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Karl Denninger
> >> karl at <mailto:karl at> /The Market Ticker/
> >> /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/
> > Thanks for the suggestions Karl.  I'll investigate further after I reso=ve this performance degradation issue I'm experiencing.  I recently read=another FreeBSD+ZFS+PostgreSQL user's Scale15x presentation, PostgreZFS,=Sean Chittenden if I recall correctly, who also advised lz4 compression = 16K page size rather than 8K with PostgreZFS.
> >
> > With regards to my performance woes, I was originally using PostgreSQL =n my posts to freebsd-hackers at but started using 'dd' to remo=e it as a point of contention.  In attempting to resolve this issue, I t=ied using your patch to PR 187594 (  Took a bit of effort to > >  find a revision of FreeB=D 10 Stable to which your FreeBSD10 patch would both apply and compile c=eanly; however, it didn't resolve the issue I'm experiencing.
> I would not have expected my PR to impact this issue.
> I suspicious of a drive firmware interaction with your I/O pattern; SSDs
> are somewhat-notorious for having that come up under certain workloads
> that involve a lot of writes.

I've observed this performance degradation on 6 different hardware systems using 4 differents SSDS (2x Intel 510 120GB, 2x Intel 520 120GB, 2x Intel 540 120GB, 2x Samsung 850 Pro SSDs) on FreeBSD10.3 RELEASE, FreeBSD 10.3 RELEASEp6, FreeBSD 10.3RELEASEp19, FreeBSD 10-Stable, FreeBSD11.0 RELEASE, FreeBSD 11-Stable and now FreeBSD11.1 Beta 2.  This latest testing I'm not doing much in the way of writing - only logging the output of the 'dd' command along with 'zfs-stats -a' and 'uptime' to go along with it once an hour.   Ran for ~20hrs before performance drop kicked in though why it happens is inexplicable as this server isn't doing anything other than running this test hourly.

I have a FreeBSD9.0 system using 2x Intel 520 120GB SSDs that doesn't exhibit this performance degradation, maintaining ~400MB/s speeds even after many days of uptime.  This is using the GEOM ELI layer to provide 4k sector emulation for the mirrored zpool as I previously described.

Interestingly, using the GEOM ELI layering, I was seeing the following
- FreeBSD 10.3 RELEASE  :  performance ~750MB/s when dd'ing 16GB file
- FreeBSD 10 Stable         :  performance ~850MB/s when dd'ing 16GB file
- FreeBSD 11 Stable         :  performance ~950MB/s when dd'ing 16GB file

During the above testing, which was all done after reboot, gstat would show %busy of 90-95%.  When performance degradation hits, %busy drops to ~15%.

Switching to FreeBSD 11.1 Beta 2 with Auto(ZFS) ashift-based 4k emulation of ZFS mirrored pool:
- FreeBSD 11.1 Beta 2     :  performance ~450MB/s when dd'ing 16GB file with gstat %busy of ~60%.  When performance degradation hits, %busy drops to ~15%.

Now, I expected that removing the GEOM ELI layer and just using vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift=12 to do the 4k sector emulation would provide even better performance.  It's seems strange to me that it doesn't.

> --
> Karl Denninger
> karl at <mailto:karl at>
> /The Market Ticker

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