ZFS Commands In "D" State

Tim Gustafson tjg at ucsc.edu
Fri Jun 9 23:24:56 UTC 2017

> I'm really not sure what is happening here.  I'm still concerned that
> the zpool scrub is going so slowly.

Someone else suggested off-list that this might be the LSI HBA
controller running its "partrol" of the disks in the system.  Our HBA
model is:

Avago Technologies (LSI) SAS3008

We're using the mpr drive, but mprutil doesn't seem to have any way to
query or set the status of the "patrol" function.  I rebooted the
machine into the BIOS config for the HBA, but could not find any
reference to enabling or disabling "patrol" there either.  Am I
missing something?  Does this adapter actually do any patrolling?  I
did notice that all the drive activity lights are lit on this server
nearly all the time, but I can't tell if that means "activity" or
"on-line" for that controller in a SuperMicro chassis.


Tim Gustafson
BSOE Computing Director
tjg at ucsc.edu
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

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