FreeBSD 11 and 4+ GB files on optical disc

David Christensen dpchrist at
Fri Feb 10 17:41:16 UTC 2017

On 02/10/17 01:16, Gary Jennejohn wrote:

Thanks for the reply.  :-)

> On Thu, 9 Feb 2017 23:22:23 -0800
> David Christensen <dpchrist at> wrote:
>> I've been creating DVD and BD discs with files larger than 4 GB on Linux.  I can read them fine on Linux and Microsoft Windows.  But, I can't read them correctly on FreeBSD.
>> Apparently, this is a feature.
> No, it's an option.  Look for UDF in /sys/conf/NOTES.

toor at freebsd:/root # less /sys/conf/NOTES
# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
# The rest are optional:
options         UDF                     #Universal Disk Format

I am running the stock kernel.  RTFM:

Check the kernel configuration:

toor at freebsd:/root # egrep 'option.+UDF' /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC

It appears UDF is not included in the i386 GENERIC kernel.

While I should be able to figure out how to build a custom kernel, but 
these are archive discs and I would prefer a solution that works OOTB. 
Failing that, with minimum additional software/ effort.

> There's also /usr/ports/sysutils/udfclient, but I'd be inclined to use
> the kernel options.  I've had UDF in my kernel for years.

I've been using packages:

toor at freebsd:/root # pkg search udfclient
udfclient-0.7.5_1              Tools for UDF filesystem

toor at freebsd:/root/ # pkg install udfclient

toor at freebsd:/root # /etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate

toor at freebsd:/root # makewhatis

RTFM -- nope:

toor at freebsd:/root # man udfclient
No manual entry for udfclient

Look for udfclient files:

toor at freebsd:/root # locate udfclient

Try online help -- not for noobs:

toor at freebsd:/root # udfclient --help
udfclient: illegal option -- -
Usage: udfclient [options] devicename [devicename]*)
-u level	UDF system verbose level
-r range	use only selected sessions like -3,5,7 or 6-
-W		allow writing (temporary flag)
-F		force mount writable when marked dirty (use with cause)
-b blocksize	use alternative sectorsize; use only on files/discs
-D		debug/verbose SCSI command errors
-s		byteswap read sectors (for PVRs)

STFW -- like an FTP client, eh?


toor at freebsd:/root # umount /dev/cd0

Close Thunar.

Eject disc.  Insert disc.

toor at freebsd:/root # udfclient /dev/cd0
	bufcache thread initialising
Opening device /dev/cd0

UDF Dump of disc in device /dev/cd0
UDF sessions : No No

Resulting list of alive sets :

UDF volume sets marked alive :

Directory listing of /
UDF working directory is     /
Current FS working directory /root
UDF> help
Selected commands available (use " pair for filenames with spaces) :
ls  [file | dir]	lists the UDF directory
cd  [dir]		change current UDF directory
lcd [dir]		change current directory
lls			lists current directory
pwd			display current directories
free			display free space on disc
get  source [dest]	retrieve a file / directory from disc
mget (file | dir)*	retrieve set of files / directories
put  source [dest]	write a file / directory to disc
mput (file | dir)*	write a set of files / directories
trunc file length	trunc file to length
mkdir dir		create directory
rm  (file | dir)*	delete set of files / directories
mv  source dest		rename a file (limited)
sync			sync filingsystem
quit			exits program
exit			alias for quit
UDF> ls
Directory listing of /
UDF> sync
UDF> ls
Directory listing of /
UDF> free
Can only report free space in UDF mountpoints
UDF> quit
Closing discs

It appears udfclient can't see the DVD contents (?).


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