[ZFS] refquota is very slow !

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Wed Sep 7 09:39:09 UTC 2016

Ben RUBSON wrote on 09/07/2016 10:44:
> OK !
> Well, Juergen you put me on the right way.
> I investigated further and further and found that refquota slowness is not due to the number of files but to the remaining free space.
> Let me explain this.

I don't have a bookmark so I can't send you a direct link but it was 
mentioned before. refquota is similar to full pool in this case, so if 
you are close to or over 80% full, you will notice this slowdown.
You can try to search the web for details.

Miroslav Lachman

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