mounting an ubuntu 14.04 bhyve image as a filesystem for editing

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Thu Nov 10 15:26:17 UTC 2016

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:32:07PM +0000, tech-lists wrote:
> Hello list,
> [originally sent to virtualization@ but got no replies, probably 
> because, thinking about it, the fact that it's a bhyve image is incidental]
> [snipped stuff about bhyve]
> Is there a way of taking an ubuntu VM image that normally runs as a 
> bhyve guest, mounting it on some mountpoint on the freebsd host and 
> directly editing the files within it?
> Alternatively, is there a way of making grub boot the image into 
> single-user-mode like one can with freebsd?

That should work (provided sysutils/fusefs-ext4fuse is installed):

# mdconfig -t vnode -f $ubuntu_img
# ext4fuse /dev/md0 /mnt
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