ZFS - RAIDZ1 Recovery (Evgeny Sam)

esamorokov esamorokov at gmail.com
Tue May 31 05:44:34 UTC 2016

> The dd command when given the "conv=noerror,sync" option can be used to
> duplicate an entire disk.
Yes, I know Linux and of course I know dd with it's options, moreover 
that was the first thing I tried (after I went out of "panic mode" :)

> Does R-Studio copy the entire disk including GPT specific parts, or does
> it copy partitions of disks?
I've been working with R-Studio for many years and absolutely sure that it does complete copy of the drive as it is, no matter what the file system is.

> When you say a disk "failed",
> what does that mean?
First, ZFS showed the drive unavailable. Second, the disk has a bunch of bad sectors and took forever to copy first 500MB both with dd (conv=noerror,sync)
  and R-studio

> I feel bad for you losing precious family history.
Thanks for understanding, i appreciate it! As I already said earlier, I 
was in the middle of my backup server build, when it all happened :(
> Anyway, have you asked for help on any OpenZFS list yet?
No, I have not, but if you could direct me somwhere, it would be much 

The Best Regards,

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