ZFS - RAIDZ1 Recovery (Evgeny Sam)

BlackCat blackcatzilla at gmail.com
Mon May 30 07:11:45 UTC 2016

Hello Evgeny,

2016-05-30 8:41 GMT+03:00 esamorokov <esamorokov at gmail.com>:
>     I think this table should make it a little bit clear, i hope :)
> Drive               State #1 State #2      State #3               State #4
> ada1 (ada1p2)  OK        OK              DISCONNECTED CONNECTED (OLD POOL)
> ada2 (ada2p2)  OK        OK              OK                      OK (new Pool)
> ada3 (ada3p2)  OK        FAILED        REPLACED         CONNECTED FAILED DRIVE (OLD POOL)
> Thank you,
> Evgeny.
> On 05/29/2016 11:31 AM, BlackCat wrote:
> Evgeny,
> I still can not figure, what happened to ada2 drive. You say that the
> broken drive is ada3 and you attempt to replace it. But then something
> went wrong, you attempted to recover the pool but without success.
> After that you attach original ada3 drive back to machine and write
> your initial post to this mailing list?
> Log, which you attached to your initial post, shows that you attempted
> to remove _ada2_ from the pool, then you create new pool with the same
> name and add _ada2p2_ to it. zfs added _ada2p2_ to new pool without
> any warnings. Then you try to add _ada1p2_ to the new pool and zfs
> rejects to do that since it suspects that _ada1p2_ already belongs to
> other pool.
> The dump of labels from your message shows that:
>  * _adad1p2 is partially Ok (labels at the end of partition are missed)
>  * _ada2p2 is Ok, but belongs to new pool
>  * _ada3p2_ is Ok: all labels exists and belongs to old pool
> I am really puzzled what happened with each of your drives.

Thank you for this nice formatted table, it perfectly summarize states
of drives. But I still can not figure how drives change from one state
to another, especially how could you attach ada2p2 to new pool without
detaching it from old one.

Ok if no one else would suggest any better solution, let's keep one's
fingers crossed and try to import pool as-is (in any case you have
copies of your original drives):
# zpool import -o ro -fF 2918670121059000644 zh_vol_old


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