Chris Watson bsdunix44 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 16:32:20 UTC 2016

Sent from my iPhone 5

>> Yes that's another option, so a zpool with two mirrors (local + 
>> exported iSCSI) ?
> Yes, you would then have a real time replication solution (as HAST), compared to ZFS send/receive which is not.
> Depends on what you need :)
>>> ZFS would then know as soon as a disk is failing.

So as an aside, but related, for those watching this from the peanut gallery and for the benefit of the OP perhaps those that run with this setup might give some best practices and tips here in this thread on making this a good reliable setup. I can see someone reading this thread and tossing two crappy Ethernet cards in a box and then complaining it doesn't work well. 

Perhaps those doing this could listed recommended NICs so write performance of the slave over the network isn't slow as sin, or their relevant part of their config scripts to get this running well, any sysctl's set to boost performance, gotcha's you e seen using this setup, and if a mirror failed were you happy with this. India during recovery? Anything that will help current and future folks stumbling across this thread I think would be a big help in getting this good idea used a little more widely. 


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