High CPU Interrupt using ZFS

Kaya Saman kayasaman at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 21:08:58 UTC 2016

On 06/19/2016 09:45 PM, Paul Kraus wrote:
>> On Jun 19, 2016, at 3:38 PM, Kaya Saman <kayasaman at gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>> # zpool list
>> ZPOOL_2     27.2T  26.3T   884G         -    41%    96%  1.00x ONLINE  -
>> ZPOOL_3      298G   248G  50.2G         -    34%    83%  1.00x ONLINE  -
>> ZPOOL_4     1.81T  1.75T  66.4G         -    25%    96%  1.00x ONLINE  -
>> ZPOOL_5      186G   171G  14.9G         -    62%    92%  1.00x ONLINE  -
>> workspaces   119G  77.7G  41.3G         -    56%    65%  1.00x ONLINE  -
>> zroot        111G  88.9G  22.1G         -    70%    80%  1.00x ONLINE  -
> Are you aware that ZFS performance drops substantially once a pool exceeds a certain % full, the threshold for which varies with pool type and work load. It is generally considered a bad idea to run pools more than 80% full with any configuration or workload. ZFS is designed first and foremost for data integrity, not performance and running pools too full causes _huge_ write performance penalties. Does your system hang correspond to a write request to any of the pools that are more than 80% full ? The pool that is at 92% capacity and 62% fragmented is especially at risk for this behavior.
> The underlying reason for this behavior is that as a pool get more and more full it takes more and more time to find an appropriate available slab to write new data to, since _all_ writes are treated as new data (that is the whole point of the Copy on Write design) _any_ write to a close to full pool incurs the huge performance penalty.
> This means that if you write the data and _never_ modify it and that you can stand the write penalty as you add data to the mostly full zpools, then you may be able to use ZFS like this, otherwise just don’t.
> On my virtual hosts, running FreeBSD 10.x and VirtualBox, a pool more than 80% full will make the VMs unacceptably unresponsive, I strive to keep the pools at less than 60% capacity. Disk storage is (relatively) cheap these days.
Thanks for this! Yep I was aware that things would "slow down" but not 
render the system totally unresponsive.

This maybe the reason.... as once the CPU interrupt goes to unacceptably 
high levels even the NICs start flapping as they're all bound to an LACP 
LAGG interface.

I will probably need to get a few JBOD chassis for expansion as though 
my chassis can take 22 disks they are all full :-(



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