Mb vs. MB (Re: NFS reads vs. writes)

Mikhail T. mi+thun at aldan.algebra.com
Tue Jan 5 17:21:05 UTC 2016

On 05.01.2016 05:45, Matt Churchyard wrote:
> You have a different book to most then.
> I've always understood 'b' to mean bits, and 'B' to mean bytes. While everyone on here will understand what you were trying to say in context, given purely that number, I would expect most people to interpret it as 90+Mb/s = ~11+MB/s. That is not what you meant, hence why Bruce said be careful with the units.
I've always found "megabit" to be a useless unit, owning its entire
existence to marketing liars trying to make their wares have more
impressive numbers. Unless the conversation is about information theory,
or CPU-registers and bitfields, any mention of "bit" is useless and

And then, of course, there is the contention -- by the same liars --
that megabyte is one million bytes. My book ignores them too -- and so
does yours, I'm sure. I wish, we agreed on "megabits" being just as
useless as, say, a kilomile (kM?).

The only good reason -- in my tattered book -- to capitalize the name of
a measurement unit is when it is derived from a person's name: Hertz,
Ampère, Röntgen, etc.



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