Zfs heavy io writing | zfskern txg_thread_enter

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Fri Feb 19 14:29:14 UTC 2016

Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> Links to the grabs inline because the list seems to have converted
> html->plaintext
> Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>> Steven Hartland wrote:
>>> On 19/02/2016 13:06, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>>>> Steven Hartland wrote:
>>>>> On 19/02/2016 11:58, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
>>>>>> Niccolò Corvini wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, first time here!
>>>>>>> We are having a problem with a server running FreeBsd 9.1 with ZFS
>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>> You should upgrade to a supported version first...  9.3 would probably
>>>>>> be the best (rather than 10.x) as it's still supported and uses the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> ABI (ie you should need to reinstall all your ports/packages - though
>>>>>> you should because it sometimes breaks things - at least check for
>>>>>> broken things :) .)
>>>>>> If you're not familiar "freebsd-update -r 9.3-RELEASE upgrade" will
>>>>>> help
>>>>>> you do it without too many problems.
>>>>> 9.3 is still ancient, and while "supported" its not in active
>>>>> development, and to be blunt no one will be interested in helping to
>>>>> diagnose any actual issue on something so old.
>>>> So supported is not really supported... Is that an official position?
>>> Supported for 9.x, which is a "Legacy Release", I would say is
>>> supported for security and other critical issues only, which is the
>>> same for pretty much every project / product out there.
>> Oh, it's legacy is it?  Funny you should say that ... "Production =
>> Legacy" then...?
> ---->  http://flashback.sorbs.net/packages/freebsd-page.jpg

And yes to reply to my own message before you do... I know what it says
on the releases page ... but that's not what it says to anyone looking
for information about what to download and install, or what is supported
or not...

I mean seriously if there is no support for 9.x why are you telling
people it is an option for a new installation because its a current
production version...?  Why is it even listed on the support page as a
'currently supported' version?

I mean it became obvious to some of us even though I never saw an
official announcement that 9.x is being retired as quickly as possible
therefore there will be no x.4 release unlike other releases... but at
least update the documentation to say 9.x is no longer a production
version and nothing except critical security issues will be fixed on the
support page... because *that* is what you just indicated...   Put it in
the release documentation, announce it, so at least everyone will know
for certain there is no point in asking for help....


Michelle Sullivan

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