this is simply the coolest stuff ever

Chapter ISOC Chapter Support livejournal at
Tue Dec 20 20:29:38 UTC 2016

Just wanted to  show that cool  stuff I've just found, I'm  simply  amazed) take a look <>

Yours faithfully, Chapter ISOC Chapter Support

From: FreeBSD Filesystems [mailto:freebsd-fs at]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 4:29 PM
To: livejournal at
Subject: Incompetence?

Let's just instill  communist reddit. That's  smart. But seriously this guy  did  it in a scummy way but  getting a small kickback for parts that you actually have isn't inherently bad.  I can agree that this guy did  it in a  way that is bringing the  community down but not that it can our  should not be done.

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