zfs on nvme: gnop breaks pool, zfs gets stuck

Gerrit Kühn gerrit.kuehn at aei.mpg.de
Thu Apr 28 11:58:07 UTC 2016

On Thu, 28 Apr 2016 05:52:48 +0000 Karli Sjöberg <karli.sjoberg at slu.se>
wrote about Re: zfs on nvme: gnop breaks pool, zfs gets stuck:

> > I still wonder why the gnop workaround went so terribly wrong. 

KS> Again, because you need to tell zfs where the providers are:

KS> # zpool import -d /dev/gpt flash

Never needed to do that before, and why would it miss only 2 out of 3
device nodes that are all located in gpt? And why would it hang instead of
giving an error message?


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