How to speed up slow zpool scrub?

InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter jg at
Tue Apr 26 13:17:18 UTC 2016

to speed up the scrub itself you can try

sysctl -w vfs.zfs.scrub_delay = 4 (default, 0 means higher prio)

but be careful as this can cause a serious performance impact, the value
can be changed on the fly

your pool is raidz, mirror ? dedup is hopefully disabled?

Am 4/26/2016 um 2:44 PM schrieb Miroslav Lachman:
> Hi,
> is there any way to make zpool scrub faster?
> We have one older machine with CPU Pentium(R) Dual E2160 @1.80GHz, 5GB
> of RAM and 4x 4TB HDDs. It is just a storage for backups for about 20
> machines.
> Scrub is scheduled from periodic each 30 days but it takes about 4 days
> to complete and everything during scrub is slow. Backups takes 8 hours
> instead of 5 (made by rsync), deleting of old files is even more slower.
> The backups are made every night from the midnight to morning, the
> machine is idle for the rest of the day.
> Is there any tuning to make scrub faster in this idle time?
> Or is it better to do it other way - slower scrub with even lower
> priority taking for about one week but not affecting time of normal
> operations? (is it dangerous to have scrub running this long or reboot
> machine during the scrub?)
> I have a performance graphs of this machine and CPU is about 70% idle
> during scrub, but hard drives are busy 75% (according to iostat)
> FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE amd64 GENERIC
> Miroslav Lachman
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