Switching from MFI to MRSAS

Tim Gustafson tjg at ucsc.edu
Wed Sep 23 16:59:57 UTC 2015

> OK, haven't done this before, perhaps this works, but... you are replacing a
> raid driver with another raid driver, so probably TRIM will not work either.

The mrsas driver man page says that it reports the disks as "da0",
"da1" and so on, and the man pages about TRIM support all say that it
works with "ada" and "da" drives.  So, I was hoping that the change in
driver technology would enable the TRIM command to work.

I suppose I could update device.hints and loader.conf as describe,
reboot, and if the system doesn't come back up, just boot off a thumb
drive and re-edit those files back to their defaults...


Tim Gustafson
tjg at ucsc.edu
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

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