Name/label/id metadata: how do I make it go away

Chris Stankevitz chris at
Tue Sep 22 19:12:50 UTC 2015

On 9/22/15 1:15 AM, Matt Churchyard wrote:
> The thing to be clear on is that although glabel is responsible for
> creating the device nodes for most of these labels, the way they are
> assigned is very different


Thank you for your explanation.  I will read the glabel(8) man page 
seeing that it is almost certainly responsible for what is going on -- 
even though glabel was not used to create the diskid.

> diskid - Automatic based on the ID of the disk - so should reference
> an entire disk

I want to read the man page or source for whatever assigns diskid for 
glabel to subsequently advertise.  That process, for some reason, only 
assigns diskids for 10 of my 22 drives.  All drives are the same model 
number, although the drives have different histories.  (some drives 
lived in FreeNAS in a former life)

My running theory is that there is indeed some kind of metadata stored 
on the disk indicating a preference for or against diskid... but that it 
is "obfuscated".  For example "if a disk formally had GPT, but the 
primary GPT table was overwritten and the secondary still exists at the 
end of the disk then diskid is/isn't used."  Otherwise I cannot fathom 
why some of my identical disks advertise diskid while others do not.


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