ZFS cpu requirements, with/out compression and/or dedup

krad kraduk at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 14:11:42 UTC 2015

Nope DDT is only used for writes, zfs uses a free block space map, so only
when a block is completely unreferenced will it be written to. The DDT is a
table of blocks and their checksums.



there are probably better references

On 21 September 2015 at 14:57, Quartz <quartz at sneakertech.com> wrote:

> This is completely untrue,  there performance issues with dedup are
>> limited to writes only, as it needs to check the DDT table for every
>> write to the file system with dedup enabled. Once the data is on the
>> disk there is no overhead, and in many cases a performance boost as less
>> data on the disk means less head movement and its also more likely to be
>> in any available caches. If the write performance does become an issue
>> you can turn it off on that particular file system. This may cause you
>> to no longer have enough capacity on the pool, but then pools are easily
>> extended.
> It still needs to keep the tables in memory as long as there's still
> deduped data on disk though, right? Else what keeps track of which blocks
> are used by which files?
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