Neutered devices in jails (per FS flag?)

Kevin Day toasty at
Wed Sep 16 16:30:36 UTC 2015

We’re currently using jails to allow servers to copy backups of themselves to a central backup server. The problem we’re having is with mknod/devices. Currently jails don’t allow device files to be created, which makes sense - you don’t want them to be able to bypass the jail by opening /dev/kmem or something. We want jails to be able to create device files, just not be able to open/use them.

Has anyone given any thought to changing this behavior? Allowing jails to create/manipulate device files, but not actually opening them? I.e. instead of returning EPERM on creating the device, instead return EPERM on opening it? This would likely need to be a filesystem flag, because jails still require some devices to work (a separate devfs mount or something). We could make the jail’s /dev read only or use devfs so those devices still work, but have the parent jail directory with a “noopendev” flag or something similar.

Has anyone gone down this path before?

— Kevin

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